34• WCKD

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Hope's POV.

We all stood there looking around aimlessly. It shook again then that's when in the distance the first piece of the maze wall fell.

"RUN!"Minho yelled. We didn't have to be told twice. We all ran not worrying about who was leading. We all could see the exit.

It was a dangerous run but it had to be done. There were two walls on either side of it that could collapse and it was started in to. Piece by piece they fell, and they weren't small. One of them could crush one of us instantly.

We ran as fast as we could, my heart beated fast and my palms were sweaty and shoulders heavy. I saw Newt on the side of me and I was relived he was keeping up even with his limp he was faster than most. He was one of the best runners if not the best.

A huge chunk fell right in front of us and I just managed to dodge it in time then I got back on track. The ground was cracking badly and it was a lot harder to run. We were maybe two minutes away. The walls were now half their size and I hears screams from behind me.

I knew people were getting hit and falling but I couldn't look back. There was nothing I could do to help them. The adrenaline helped me keep going, to keep running.

Kyle who was running beside Minho was unlucky. A chunk of the stone wall fell smack bang on him and he didn't move. But we kept running. It was locked we were getting picked off. One minute away.

The sounds of rock hitting rock, rocks hitting bodies was echoing. The sound was like a thunder storm. Rock after rock. Death after death. I don't think we have ever run so fast in our lives.

We were only a few meters away from the exit when a huge mass of the wall crashed into the ground right I'm front of us. It blocked off half of the way to get to the exit. We quickly climbed over it and we all eventually got over.

We just stopped at the exit which was a round circle. But it had a few words on it with three small holes into the wall. It said:

Put in the three things you should never lose.

What the hell? Another riddle! Okay 3 things we shouldn't ever lose? My mind was a mess and I couldn't think straight but Minho seemed to know the answer with the light bulb that seemed to go off in his head.

"The notes that you guys came up in. Never lose you three remember? Okay um, Girls, put your arms into the holes, the tattooed arm!" He said thinking out loud.

Very smart. I shoved my arm in as did the other two. It scanned out arms. I counted how many of us were left. There were only seven of us left, from 17. We had lost 10 lives.

Newt, Minho, Frypan, Dave and us three girls. It finished with our arms then a puff of air came out and the door opened. We ran inside leaving behind the maze that was crumbling before us leaving a trail of dead friends.

Then the door slowly closed until it shut with a soft sound. Then it was complete darkness. I couldn't see a thing but someone beside me grabbed my hand sacred. I'm guessing they were scared of the dark. I didn't know who it was but I rubbed their hand with my thumb to comfort them.

Then a small line of line shined behind us and we all turned around. We could all see each other now. It was Faith who had grabbed my hand. She looked embarrassed and let go.

The door that was letting in the light said 'EXIT'. We all walked into it and there were green arrows pointing right. We looked at each other and shrugged and followed the arrows to see where it would lead us.

We walked for only what seemed like 5 minutes when there was another door. Newt opened it and we were met with people who seemed to be waiting for us.

"Hello subjects, you are glad that you have survived the maze trials now if you could please follow me." He was a man with a stern old face but seemed to be actually be extremely happy.

I don't know why but everyone was jumping out of their sits hugging each other. Then that's when I saw her. Ava Paige. She stood us also looking extremely pleased.

"Thank you, after nearly 18 years we have done it. The cure to the flare has been successfully made and it's andll thanks to what they call themselves the 'gladers'." She pointed to us smiling and everyone cheered.

But we weren't happy. Everyone was wearing clean white clothes with neat hair and happy faces. We wore ragged clothes with dried blood, our hair and bodies a mess filled with bruises and just lost friends. Why are they celebrating?

None of us smiled at there joy. They needed to explain what was going on. The man motioned for us to follow him and we did. He led us into a small room.

"You will now watch a 10 minute long video that will hopefully give you all the information you need about the world, who we are and what we do. Then you will be lead to the food then the showers. That seem okay?" He said happily.

We nodded and he went to walk away until Frypan asked him what the cure was for. The man just smiled and played the video then left.


This book will hopefully be done around chapter 40 so I hope you guys are liking it. xx

Have a nice day/night


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