13•Opportunities and Conditions

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Hope's POV.

Gally's lips leaned in closer as I started to panic. What do I do? Gally is much much stronger than me but I'm faster. I need to run. My eyes dart for an escape, an opportunity.

My heart beats wildly and my breath quickened. His lips were centimeters away from mine so I hitched my knee up and closed my eyes waiting to see what would happen.

My knee connected with his groin as he hunched over in agony. This was it. I made a bolt towards the glade as I started screaming out for help. It was pitch black, the moon light was gone and I couldn't see anything. I couldn't even see my feet.

I heard the leaves behind me and under my feet rustling, he was right behind me. I couldn't see and I was in a state of panic. I trip over what felt like a stick protruding out of the ground. I landed on my chest and rolled down the hill towards Gally.

I felt the stick smash into my leg making me scream in pain, that would of gotten someone's attention hopefully. Gally took thus opportunity to pounce on top of me and pin me down to the ground surely bruising my wrists.

I couldn't see anything but someone came sprinting in holding a torch. Newt! He dropped the torch by my side and tackled Gally. Gally in his drunken state fell down easily as Newt was sitting on top of him wrestling.

"RUN! GO TO MINHO HE SHOULD HE HERE SOON!" Newt yelled, I listened to his order and painfully pulled the stick out of my leg stick out of my leg. I cried out as I could feel my hands covered in my blood. I heard even more footsteps behind me.

I grabbed the torch and shone it in the direction, I saw Minho and Alby. I was feeling dizzy but I kept my eyes and mind open. My thoughts were running in every direction as I sat there in pain.

Alby went to break up the fighting boys. Newt was on top of Gally still punching him but Alby pulled him off. Minho came to my aid.

"Are you okay?! MEDJACKS!" He shouted out in the distance, he seemed further away as I felt my eyes drop slightly.

"No you gotta stay awake right now. It's okay just keep your eyes open!" He soothed as I saw two blurry figured with more torches rush over to the scene. I don't know what state the other two boys were in but I hope Newts okay.

One of the med jacks run over to Newt but he tells them to help me. They must of listened seeing my bloody state of a leg. I tried to sit up but fell back down wincing painfully.

Shucking hell, it hurt so much.

It was so hard Keeling my eyes open. I was so tired and my head was spinning. My uneven breathing wasn't helping and I wasn't feeling like trying to sit up again.

I hears shouting but it was more like a ring in the ears and my vision was lost as I shut my eyes and my mind shut down and I backed out.

Newts POV.

Blood dripped down my upper lip to my chin but I wiped it off not caring about my lip being busted nor my bruised cheek. I only cared about helping Hope and making sure she was okay.

A few more Med jacks came and it helped out a lot. Three of them carried out Gally while one held the torch to light the way and one picked up Hope since she was light weight compared to Gally.

One came up to help me but I waved them off telling them I was fine, I didn't need attention. I don't know what Gally was doing here but I did know the clues did come together to form my suspicious of what I think happened.

Gally was drunk, they were alone together, he likes her she doesn't. I can imagine what she was running away from and it made my blood boil that Gally would even try and hurt her.

We all walked out of the dead heads as Alby yelled at everyone who came out, who heard the screams to go to bed and mind their own business.

The medjacks brought them both into separate rooms to work on them and they forced me to wait outside till they were done. I paced back and forth wondering what to do.

What would of happened if I didn't show up?

What do I do about this?

Alby said that tomorrow we would have a gathering about the whole thing to discuss Gally's punishment. Sounded like a good plan. It didn't take long for the medjacks to finish and let us in.

Minho, Alby and I all walked in and gave us their conditions starting with Gally's which I honestly didn't give a klunk about.

"He's fine, black eye and very drunk. He's going to have a killer headache in the morning and that all for him and Hope she's not to bad but she's worse then Gally." Jeff said delaying what was wrong with Hope.

I held my breath and rised my shoulders waiting for her condition to be announced.

"When the stick stabbed into her leg it hit an artery which is why she bled so much. We managed to secure her but she will have a very sore leg. Her wrists are bruised. She looked like not only did she pass out from blood lose but also because she had a panic attack." He finished.

My heart sank at the sound of it. I know that she will be okay but I didn't know what to do. She must of been so scared, I don't know what I would of dome if she bled out to death.

I'm going to try and get Gally banished.


What do u guys think his punishment should be?

Banished? What do u think?

~unedited~ Sorry-_-

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