11•Driving me Wild

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Hope's p.o.v

I think I can do it. I think I might be able to open up and let Newt in. He's proven to me that he does care and he trusts me after what he just told me about scarring story.

I need to trust him now, and I think I do. I pulled Newt into a tight hug as tears started to pick his eyes from the memories. I'm going to let him in. I need him.

He seemed slightly confused when I embraced him but hug back not long after. He pulled back and I saw him with a small smile because of me hugging him.

"Does this mean that you trust me now and let me help you through this?" He questioned with a glimpse of hope flickering in his gentle soft eyes.

A small smile spread on my face just like Newts and I nodded. Now it was his turn to pull me into a hug. He hugged me and dug his head in my boney neck.

We will work on that. I thought to myself. It will take a while but maybe...just maybe I can do it if he is by my side.

"I don't want you to be a runner. I'm sorry but if your out there and I'm in here I can't keep you safe." He said softly.

"I'm sure I can handle the grieves. You don't need to worry,"

"I mean you. I can't protect you from yourself. That's the only thing that can truly hurt you. Your staying with me. We will find you a new job so we will have a gathering about it." Newt spoke clearly but had a sad tone.

I knew he was right. Maybe it will be good for me. More time for me to spend time with Newt. I've started noticing more things about Newt, like the way he would act when he was nervous.

The way he would tap his foot when he was waiting or rub his neck when confused. How his eyes looked so deep and meaningful when he spoke and how is sandy hair moved slightly with the wind.

Most of all his smile, oh god his smile! It was becoming contagious. He smelt like a mixture of vanilla and an earthy sent which I was beginning to become addicted to.

He's driving me wild.  

We were just staring at each other consumed by our thoughts which was when he got closer and so did I. We started to lean in as my stomach tossed and turned. We were only inches about and his hand grabbed mine sending statics through out me.

What was this feeling?

Just before we got any closer the door banged open with Gally standing in the door way. He raised his strange eyebrows at us but shrugged it off.

"Alby has ordered a gathering with the keepers and Hope, now!" Gally grunted obviously in a bad mood.

Newt huffed while I sighed and we stood up walking towards the exit. It didn't take us long to get to the shack like gathering room.

All of the keepers were here and obviously Alby. I took a seat on a small wooden creaky chair in the corner while Newt leant on a pole not to far from me.

"Okay let the gathering begin!" Alby announced. 

Everyone became silent, waiting for Alby to start speaking about what this is about. 

"Hope is unable to keep her role as a runner because of the certain incident that happened not long ago..." He dragged it out while everyone looked at me remembering the day Minho carried me out.

"That means she needs a new job. I suggest since she likes being outdoors so either a builder or trackhoe?" Alby finished his sentence.

I wouldn't mind being either of them.

I saw Gally from the corner of my eye suddenly become interested at me becoming a builder maybe. He looked at me but so looked away.

All of the keepers new about what I did so they all understood what Minho said next.

"Maybe she shouldn't be a builder. Only because there are things laying around that she could get ideas with if you know what I mean,"

I knew what he meant. He didn't want me to grab something and hurt myself purposely with it.

Thy spoke as if I wasn't there just a shadow in the background. The chattered started and people one by one took a vote.

Gally and Winston voted my to be builder while the other voted for trackhoe. Majority rules, looks like I'm a trackhoe!

"Gathering dismissed," Alby declared.

Newt came over with a smile on his face. He said that I will now be able to spend more time with him since he also partly works as a trackhoe.

I feel a sudden burst of excitement but it soon shatters when I see Gally who must of heard our conversation start storing towards the exit. 

His jaw and fist were clenched and his ears steaming. He rudely pushed Zart to the side so he could open the door.

He agressivley gripped the handle and swiftly opened the door then banging it to a hard slam shut.

Was it because of what Newt said?

Newt shrugs it off as another one of Gally's moods and starts to lead me outside.

My shoes plant on the green grass as Newt and I make the short trip towards the gardens.

I've never really seen it up close before since I spent most of my time running. Wire and bits of fencing let the plants grow as many different sorts of food were sprouting.

The fertilizer looked fresh and the sun shone on the garden perfectly. Some people were working in the garden who I had never met before and I guess I will soon.

"Ready to learn to become a trackhoe?" Newt grinned.

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