19• Final Day

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Hope's POV.

I couldn't sleep at all, I was tossing and turning all night. The thought of the dangers waiting for us grew closer as the sun rose up in the sky.

I decided that it would be a good time to start getting ready. After having my very last warn shower in the glade and washing my hair for who knows how long as well as everything else. 

I got changed in my normal clothes and my running boots which will become useful today. A few other people started to wake up, I went to the kitchen where Alby told us to met if we wanted to come.

I saw a few other people there who were getting given things. Rows and rows field with backpacks and it looked very organised. I grabbed my own backpack for myself and looked inside it 

A weeks worth of food, 3 water can filled up, first aid kit, 2 knives, map, rope, running shoes, 1 change of clothes and a sleeping bag

I took the shoes out since I already had a pair since I used to be a runner then I placed my personal belongings in. Like hair brush, tooth brush, hair ties etc. There was a little room left for it.

I placed it on my shoulders and it sat there comfortably. More and more people started arriving slowly and getting all their bags.

Alby ordered two boys to go and wake everyone else up to see if they wanted to come, last chances. Faith and Destiny walked in and got ready. I didn't bother saying hello just yet since I was too tired to talk.

A few minutes later and the entire glade was here with bags on looking tired and stressed. Alby stood up and grabbed everyone attention.

"Everyone knows the danger they signed up for but as you see in the backpacks is everything you will need and you can put in ant personally items if wanted. As you can see there is only 2 knives. If you look behind me," Alby's voiced echoed off the walls.

Everyone looked behind him as did I.  I saw a wall filled with bugger weapons, such as, bow & arrow, machete, spears, wooden bats etc.

"You are allowed one, if you want to carry them, Those who want them form a line and grab ONE then go and get your very last breakfast in the glade." He sat back down and everybody got into a line that slowly got smaller.

Soon I was at the front and looked at my choices, not very good with a bow, bat would break too easily. Spear is too long and annoying to carry. I went with the long machete, the sword like blade. I grabbed and it felt light in my hands. 

It came with a holder with you could strap on anywhere. I strapped it on my back and kept it there then slipped on my backpack on top. I saw Frypan giving out food, in the corner of the kitchen I saw his own bags and weapons, he chose a bat.

I sat down at a table that held the two other girls, Newt, Minho and Chuck. I sat newt to Newt and Faith. I said a brief hello to everyone and stared at my plate. My stomach still turned at the sight of food. I wasn't completely average weight yet. I was still noticeably skinny.

My bones were becoming less noticeable but I didn't want to eat still. Newt saw me staring at my food out of the corner of his food. He nudged my elbow and I looked at him.

"You need to eat, you'll need the energy." He gave me puppy dog eyes and I tried not to break but I did. I picked up my fork lazily and took a small mouthful.

I smile to myself thinking of everything that Newt had helped me with. I've been clean for a month now. I've been eating every now and again and getting better. I'll admit I still feel depressed some days but Newt keeps my mind off of it.

I continue to eat until all my food was gone. Newt looked quite please with himself. I was low key staring at him as I zoned out thinking about him. I quickly snapped out of it when I heard Alby tell everyone to be at the maze doors in five minutes.

I got up and adjusted my bag as did everyone else. I put my plate in the kitchen in a pile and knew that Frypan would want to clean them up like he always does but he wouldn't have time. 

I saw him in the kitchen trying ti hurry through cleaning every plate, knife and fork in the time. I decided to go up to him and stand in front of the other sink and grab a plate and clot.

I started cleaning up and Frypan looked at me looking so greatful.

"Thank you so much Hope!" He breathed out and his shoulders relaxed. I just nodded and kept cleaning so we got through all the plate two times quicker. 

We were nearly late so we had to run to get there in time. I think Frypan had a slight OCD when it came to his kitchen being cleaned. Everyone was already there and I saw Newt looking around until his eyes landed on me and he stopped searching.

I gave him a small smile and stood next to him feeling a small sense of comfort and safety. Alby gave an encouraging speech to everyone to boost them up but I wasn't paying attention.

The walls had opened about 15 minutes ago and Minho said a few sarcastic things and that's when we started running into the maze and we didn't look back. This was going to be our new home for a week or so.

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