Chapter Three: A Crazy "Date" With The Boys In Nandos

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Amber's POV:

''So, where are we going now?'' I asked.  

''Nando's!'' Niall cried. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Typical Niall. 

''C'mon then!'' Louis said, taking hold of me and walking with me to the door. I wish it was always like this. I sighed, thinking that obviously, it can't. Louis has a girlfriend, who I am sure is using him for his fame and money.  

Can't any of them see that? Niall's girlfriend is using him. Zayn's girlfriend is using him. Harry's girlfriend is using him. And Liam's girlfriend is using him! 

Are they blind? 

''What's wrong?'' Louis asked me, after I had sighed.  

''Nothing.'' I forced a smile on my face and looked at him. Every time I looked at him, into his eyes, I get a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.  

''Don't let anything bother you, Amber.'' he said, squeezing my waist.  

''Thanks Lou.'' I grinned at him. He winked and replied:  

''Any time Amber, any time.''  

Then he let go of me and walked over to his girlfriend and the feeling of warmth was gone.  

I looked after him, wishing. Then Claire, his girlfriend smirked at me.  

Ooh, let me get at her, just let me- 

''Amber, calm down.'' Zayn chuckled. I looked behind me. 

''What were you muttering so fiercely?'' he asked me.  

''Oh, erm, nothing.'' I replied. He raised his eyebrow and said ''Really? It didn't sound like nothing to me! It sounded like you were angry at Claire.'' he explained.  

''You're blind.'' I said simply, referring to the fact that he couldn't see that Britney was using him.  

He looked confused and baffled as I walked away. I joined Lana by the door.  

''I hate her.'' she growled.  


''Who do you think?'' she replied.  

''Niall's girlfriend, Stephanie.'' 

''Yeah. They're blind! They're just so blind! I feel like I wanna shake every one of the boys and scream at them, telling them they're blind!'' she cries, exasperated. I laughed.

 ''Me too.'' I grinned. ''Come on girls! We're going in.'' Harry said, with his arm around Emily's waist. We followed, glaring at the boys' girlfriends backs. We know what they're up to. We're not blind. They think we're stupid. But we're not. We're gonna get them away from the boys, if it's the last thing we do. Louis' voice pulled me away from my thoughts. ''Amber, could you get us another chair please?'' he asked me sweetly. I ground my teeth together but otherwise, I went and got another chair. When I saw Claire smirking at me, yet again I felt a surge of anger run through my body and I wanted to throw the chair at her.

But as Louis was beside her (Although I wish he wasn't and although he just treated me like a butler, asking me to get him another chair) I didn't. I just slammed it down next to him, which made him jump and look at me, confused and sat down away from Claire. She just makes me so angry! I looked around the table, avoiding Louis' questioning gaze and I smiled when I saw Zayn and Dani sitting next to each other, smiling and talking.

Then I gasped quietly as I saw Zayn lean in and kiss Dani again on the lips. My eyes widened. The first thing that popped into my head, was 'Aaaw! They kissed!'. The second thought was 'Zayn! If you dare hurt Dani again, by kissing her and then leaving her, I will kill you! Slowly but surely!'. And the third thing was, 'Britney! Where's Britney?'

I quickly looked around the table again. Niall was laughing and tickling Lana, Liam was talking with Sidra and Harry was arguing playfully with Kendal. I avoided Louis again. But where were the girlfriends? I hadn't noticed them leave the table... Suddenly, I hear a scream and I turn towards Lana, who was drenched. And that was her best top. Had they just thrown a bucket of water over her? My eyes flicked towards the window, which was next to Lana and saw a face staring in at me. Then it disappeared and I looked away.

 'Sidra? Are you alright?'' Liam asked. I looked back and he was helping her up from the floor and Lesley was glaring at them both. She just shoved her off her chair. Great.

I saw Britney glare at Dani. Who was still kissing Zayn. Oh dear. I stood up and went to stand in front of Britney, who looked like she was gonna kill someone. Preferably Dani. Who was kissing her boyfriend. ''Get out of my way.'' she growled at me. ''No way.'' I replied, equally fierce. ''You asked for it.'' she smirked as she leaped at me. We both landed on the ground, as she jumped on me. I struggled to stand up as she grabbed a handful of my hair. ''Girls! Stop it!'' I heard one of the boys shout at us. Britney stood up, dragging me along with her. This was my chance to hurt her, to make her pay for what she was doing to Dani.

And to me right now. ''Britney! Let go of her!'' Zayn yelled. I quickly stuck my foot out, in front of her and she tripped. She fell against a table and with a 'thunk' she was out cold. ''Ow.'' I moaned, sitting up. Yes, she had dragged me down with her. ''Amber! What have you done to her?'' Louis gasped. ''Me? Nothing! It's what she's done to me!'' I cried. He helped me up and I winced as he touched my back. ''Don't ever hurt Britney again!'' Stephanie yelled at me. ''Oh go suck a duck, you morons.'' I muttered.

I sat back down just as Britney stood up, shaking her head, dizzily. When she saw me, she gave me a look. If looks could kill... After she left the table, with her entourage following, everything went back to normal. I sat down next to Louis and he turned to me. ''Why were you two fighting?'' he asked me. ''Because- Oh my God! Look at Dani and Zayn. They're all lovey dovey!'' I whispered to him. He looked and smiled. ''Aw!'' I smiled at them. But they didn't notice. They were smiling at each other lovingly. I wonder if Zayn will finally notice that he loves Dani, not Britney. Hopefully!

 Zayn's POV:

I felt fireworks as I kissed Dani, yet again. But this time I wasn't going to leave her standing there. It's funny. When I kiss Britney, who's my girlfriend, I don't feel anything. No sparks, no fireworks, no nothing. And when I kiss Dani, who is not my girlfriend, I feel sparks and fireworks. Weird. Maybe I should break up with Britney and go out with Dani...? No, that would be kinda harsh on her, even if she does make it hard for the others.

But I don't think I love Britney any more. I used to. I think. And now...I don't love her at all. I might give it a few days or something and then I'll break up with her. And then after a week or two, I'll ask Dani out. She's better than Brittany anyway. Louis' shout made us pull away. We stared as Amber and Britney fight together, Britney taking hold of Amber's hair. I stood up and yelled at Brittany to stop it and then Amber stuck her foot out and Britney fell, and hit her head on the table.

Louis rushed to Amber's side and helped her up. After a bit, Britney stood up dizzily. She glared at Amber and then walked away, the other girls following her. I turned back to Dani, who was looking at Lana worryingly. ''Is she alright?'' I asked her. She nodded. ''Yeah, she's just wet I think.'' she replied, smiling at me. ''Good. What were they doing?'' I asked her, shaking my head. ''Who? The girls?'' she asked me. ''Yeah. Why did they have to throw water at Lana, push Sidra of her chair and Britney fight with Amber?'' I said. She shrugged. ''Because they're horrible, stupid cows.'' she replied, grinning. I laughed. ''Maybe.'' I winked at her. Then I noticed Amber and Louis grinning at us both. ''You look like a couple.'' Amber said to us. Dani went red while I smiled and thought: 'If only...'

_ Hey guys! So this is Amber here, one of the characters! Dani asked me to write the next chapter so I said yeah, obviously! So yeeah...Vote and comment peopleee! :D It's greatly appreciated!! :D Thank you! Amber x

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