Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

The next few days become blurry. I've no idea how long I've been staying at Niall's apartment but know I need to go home soon and start to make sense of things.

If he will let me...

He doesn't like us to be apart for more than a couple of minutes, even racing to the corner shop so he can hurry back to me.

"I'm perfectly alright." I assure him. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I just don't like being away from you." He groans, struggling to catch his breath because he raced back here so quickly.

"You're going to have to be at some point."

"Not if we move in together."

"You know I think it's far too soon for that."

"I've known you most of my life, how is it too soon?"

"You know what I mean, Niall. We've spent a lot of time apart and need to get to know one another again."

"I know everything about you. I always have done."

"And what do I know about you? You won't tell me anything." I complain, tired of having the same discussion with him.

"Because there's nothing to tell. All I've known is misery since we've been apart."

"You've had no relationships? No feelings for anyone else?" I prompt him, curious as well as tormented by the idea.


"What about the girl who came back to your apartment?" I enquire. "She's just a friend?"

"She means nothing to me." He replies flippantly. "Forget about her."

"How can I forget? You won't tell me anything."

"Sweetheart, my life started when I found you again. What happened before isn't important, ok?"

"You just want to erase it all and that's not possible." I chastise him. "If you want us to have a future together then you need to acknowledge that we both have a past."

I spend a week at Niall's in total, deciding I really must go home the following weekend and sort things out.

"I'll come with you." Niall suggests, trying to stop me from going.

"There's no need. I'll only be a couple of hours and promise to come back."

"What am I supposed to do by myself?" He complains, placing his arm across his door so I can't leave.

"What did you used to do before?"


"You did nothing?" I ask, struggling to stop myself from smiling.

"What did you do?" He challenges, throwing my question right back at me.

"Search for you." I point out, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Good point." He concedes, lowering the arm he was using as a barrier.

"Niall, I really need to catch up with Ellen and grab some things from home."

"Like what?"

"Shampoo, moisturiser and some clothes."

"We can buy all of those things."

"I need other items as well."

"Like what?" He demands stubbornly. "We can get whatever you need."

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