Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Is he single?" Cammi asks, taking me by surprise in the corridor.
"Who?" I ask, wondering why she's talking to me in the first place.
Cammi is one of the most popular girls in school and we've been in the same class for years. She's never spoken to me before which is why I find it so strange.
"Niall." She answers. "Who else?"
"Oh... erm... yeah, he is." I reply evasively, feeling uncomfortable.
"That's great. Thanks, Eva."
She walks away without giving me a backwards glance.
"It's Evie." I murmur, realising she doesn't actually care.

I head to lunch where I always sit with Rosie. She's a quiet girl and is quite reserved like I am, choosing to fade into the background and go unnoticed.
I used to sit with Niall at dinner time but he has less time for himself now he's part of the football team. Rosie and I started having lunch together when I saw her sitting by herself one day and it's been our tradition ever since.

"Do you have any plans this weekend?" Rosie asks me, finishing off her lunch.
"I don't think so. I'll probably just hang out with Niall."
"You're lucky you have him as your friend."
"What makes you say that?" I ask, wondering where that came from.
"Just the way he always looks out for you. It's sweet." She comments, smiling sweetly.
"I guess it is." I admit, realising how lucky I am to have him.
"So, I'll see you on Monday?" She enquirers hopefully.
"Sure, I'll see you then."

Neither one of us knew then that it would never happen.

I had no idea I would never see Rosie again when we parted that lunchtime.

If I had... I would have made sure I said goodbye.

I felt so embarrassed the first time I asked her to sit with me. I was worried she would think I was strange or ignore me completely but she didn't.
She looked relieved and I'm so glad we became friends, even if it was for a short period of time.

I'm halfway down the corridor, panicking when I realise how late I am for my next class. I grab my English books from my locker and head in the opposite direction, jumping out of my skin when Niall leaps out at me.
"Hey, you." He laughs, grabbing hold of my waist. "What's up?"
"Niall, you scared me." I chastise him, taking in his dishevelled appearance. "I'm just on my way to English."
"I just wanted to let you know that I have football practise tonight. You might have to wait a while until I'm finished."
"What time will that be?"
"Around five."
"Niall, do I really have to wait around at school for you? Can't I just go home?"
"No, you can't." He replies curtly, walking me to class.
"Why not?"
"You know why, Evie."
"I actually don't. You won't give me a reason."
"I just don't want you to be at home when I'm not there."
"That's impossible. Not to mention ridiculous."
"Just do as I say and don't argue."
"I'm fifteen. You can't tell me what to do anymore."
"Can't I?" He challenges me, taking hold of my arm.
"Niall, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?"
"Get in there." He orders, opening the door to one of the storage closets before shoving me inside.
"What the hell are you doing? I'm going to be late!"
He slams the door behind us and places himself in front of it. There's no escape and I can feel my anxiety increasing.
"It's my job to take care of you, ok? I've always tried my best since I was seven years old and I'm not going to stop it now. Your age doesn't mean you're all grown up or ready for the world. It actually makes you even more vulnerable."
"What are you talking about?"
"Just trust me, alright? Please, Evie."
"Not until you explain what you meant. I can understand you wanting to protect me when I was six but I'm older now, you have to let me start taking care of myself."
"Maybe when we're out of that place but until then... I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"You're acting crazy!" I exclaim, struggling to contain my anger or indignation.
"What did you just say to me?"
He slams me back against the wall, towering above me with his brown eyes ablaze.
"I said you're acting crazy." I mumble, scolding myself for repeating those words.
"Oh, Evie..." He scoffs, shaking his head. "You have no fucking idea how crazy I could be. In fact, I keep all of that inside for you. I buried it the day I met you and I work so damn hard on making sure I keep it that way."
"Niall, you're scaring me. What are you talking about?"
"God, I wish I could tell you." He whispers, releasing his hold on me.
"I'm sorry." I apologise. "I shouldn't have said any of those things."
"You have no idea, do you? You have no idea who I really am or what I'm capable of."
"So tell me."
"I can't. I can't risk losing you."
"Look, I'll stay late if that's what you really want." I tell him, deciding I'm not going to get the answers I want from him today. "I'll wait for you."
"Thank you." He says, exhaling slowly.
"Can I go to class now?"
"Sure." He exhales slowly. "I'll walk you."
"I know the way by now." I joke, waiting for him to open the door.
"You might forget." He teases me.
"Cammi asked me if you were single this morning." I blurt out, wondering what his reaction might be.
"God, what did you tell her?"
"The truth."
"Couldn't you have lied?"
"You know I can't do that."
"Maybe you just need some practise." He says, nudging me playfully.
"I don't see why you would want me to lie to her in the first place."
"I'm just not interested."
"She's pretty and popular. What's not to like?"
"She's an airhead. A dumb, idiotic and selfish bitch." He responds coldly.
"Whoa! Where did that come from?"
"It's the truth." He answers simply, shrugging his shoulders.
"I've never heard you talk like that."
"I'm sorry." He apologises, taking hold of my wrist so I stop walking. "I shouldn't have said that."
"You're not gay, are you?" I demand, half serious and half joking.
"Evie, you're hilarious." He laughs. "I'm definitely not gay."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"I'm just wondering why you haven't had a girlfriend or aren't even remotely interested in having one."
He breathes deeply and his eyes cloud over. Something I said got to him but I don't know what it is. There's so many secrets locked up inside of him, I sometimes wonder if I really know him at all.
"This isn't the right place to talk about it." He concludes, coming to a standstill outside my classroom.
"Thanks for walking with me."
"I'm going straight to the football field once school finishes so I'll meet you in the library once I'm done." He clarifies.
"The library?"
"Yeah, you can do some studying or catch up on some work."
"You don't want me to watch you play?" I tease him, knowing fine well that he doesn't.
"Not a chance. It's freezing out there and I don't want all those idiots staring at you."
"You mean your teammates?"
"They might be my teammates but that doesn't mean I want them ogling you." He growls possessively.
"You're far too overprotective, Niall."
"There's a lot of sick people in this world, Evie. Believe me, I know."

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