Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"You're sure he doesn't mind?" I ask Ellen, feeling uncertain.

"I'm positive." She assures me. "I've already spoke to him about it."

"God, he must think I'm a nutcase." I groan, raking my fingers through my hair.

"Don't be silly. He wants to help."

"So what time should I come over?"

"Around eight?"

"That's perfect." I say, struggling to conceal my nerves. "I'll see you then."

I phoned Ellen as soon as I found out the truth from Judith. I asked my friend to get in touch with her brother who still works for the police, deciding it was my only option now I have more information about what happened to him.

I haven't left the house since I spoke with Judith so the thought of going out tonight is daunting. However, I realise this is something I have to do and won't let my anxiety or anything else stop me.

I'm slightly early when I knock on Ellen's door later on that night, taking deep breaths as I think about what I'm going to say to her brother.

"Eve, come in." She greets me, smiling warmly. "You look so much better!"

"Thanks." I mumble, fiddling with my outfit.

It's a nervous trait I've had since I was small, trying to hide my emotions as well as my discomfort.

"Do you want to come through?" She asks, closing the door behind us.


I enter the main room and inhale sharply, praying that tonight will provide me with the answers I need.

"Eve?" Neil questions, walking towards me. "Wow... you look so different."

"Amazing what a bit of make-up can do." I joke, wondering why he's still staring at me. "It's nice to see you again, Neil."

"Can I get you a drink?" Ellen enquires, placing her hand on my arm. "Neil wants wine but I presume you would like a coffee?"

"That would be great, thanks."

"What's wrong with wine?" Neil asks. "It's Saturday night." Neil chuckles, watching me intently.

"I don't drink." I explain, deciding to sit down.

"Oh, sorry." He apologises, clearing his throat.

"Don't be, it's not a big deal. I just don't like alcohol."

"That's rare."

"So I hear." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"You look well though." He tells me, eyes sparkling with flirtation. "Really well."

"Thanks." I respond dismissively, not wanting to encourage him.

"So... Ellen said you wanted to talk to me about finding someone?" He diverts, changing the subject.

"That's right." I confirm, moistening my lips.

"Did I take a look for you a few years back?"

"You did but couldn't find anything. The thing is... I've found out some more information since then."

"Such as...?"

"I was always told that my best friend died in the fire which burnt down our foster home. I never really believed that but my old foster parent recently told me it was a lie. Niall didn't die after all which means he's still out there somewhere. He's alive."

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