Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


Tomorrow night.

I've planned it all.

It will work out perfectly.

I've had the worst week at work, struggling to make it in at all most days. I've not been sleeping, eating or even thinking properly since I put my latest project in place.

It will be tomorrow night... that's when it has to happen.

Twenty-four hours later...

I'm ready

I'm ready to go and focused.

Motivated, prepared, determined and fearless.

I'm exactly what I need to be.

Saturday night. Eleven o'clock.

I'm wearing my black hoodie which conceals my face and slip on my gloves. I've already completed my workout and had a shower.

I'm ready to go.

The streets are empty. It's a bleak night with a spiteful wind and rain which slants sideways. No one wants to be out in this.

Except me.

I keep my head down and hope I look inconspicuous, trying to steady my breathing as I approach the address I have memorised.

The first time was difficult but I expect this one to go much simpler. Just the thought of the slim brunette tucked up inside her house is enough to spur me on.

Ignore your doubts... I tell myself, clenching both my fists as I make my way around the back of her house.

I've circulated the property several times this week, deciding which entrance I should use to break in.

I decided on the back door.

Her neighbours moved out a few weeks ago which makes this a lot easier.

Almost too easy.

I remove the crowbar I've been carrying from my jeans, struggling to walk with it down the side of my leg. I use it to prise open her gate, thankful for the crazy weather outside which will stop her from hearing anything.

"Come on!" I growl, growing impatient.

The gate finally gives way and I breathe out slowly, making sure I close it behind me. Sneaking up towards her property makes my heart race, urging myself to carry on when my body hesitates for a moment.

You can do this.

All my senses are alert, listening out for the faintest of noises.

Just keep going.

I thought I'd have to break the glass in the centre of her back door but don't need to. The stupid idiot has left it unlocked.

This is just too easy.

My heart rate accelerates and my thoughts explode as I enter the kitchen. I can hear the buzz of a TV from the other room and know I must be silent.

It's easier said than done and I hold my breath, creeping down the hallway with my crowbar raised.

Just in case.

There's no sign of her in the sitting room which means she must be upstairs.

Which makes this a lot harder...

I can hear her shower and edge along the hallway, slipping into the bedroom at the front of the house.

There's only one place for me to hide now and that's closet. It's large enough for me to walk right in and also the one place she won't expect me.

Standing in complete darkness reminds me of the closet where I used to hide Evie. It was the one place I could keep her safe before I was strong enough to protect her.

I remember the night I told her to lock herself inside it, desperate to keep her away from Jeremy. She was only a little girl but she didn't want to leave me. She was so brave back then, so courageous and kind.

Everything I'm not.

The shower is turned off and the house falls silent. All I can hear is my heart hammering inside my chest.

Just stay calm.

My breathing is shallow and my hands are tingling. I've reached the point where I just want this over and done with.

The bedroom door opens and I hear soft footsteps pad against the carpet.

She's close.

I inhale deeply, curling my fingers around my weapon.

Now or never...

I have to decide.

Three... two... one...

This is my final chance to change my mind.

Now or never...


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