Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


I don't feel complete.

I don't feel satisfied.

The truth is... I feel nothing.

What I did... it wasn't like before.

It didn't ease anything.

It didn't make anything better.

So now I'm done.

Done with this world and done trying to feel anything except my pain.

I can't do this anymore and I want to be with her.

I need her more than I need anything in this world and I can't have her.

I leave work early and don't care if they fire me for it.

I don't care about anything anymore.

Shoving my hands inside my pockets, I raise my hood and head on home. I don't even hear her voice at first, calling out my name as I walk down the street.

"Niall, wait!" She yells, struggling to keep up with me.


"What is it?" I ask, turning around to face the stunning red head.

"I... I just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Why?" I demand, gazing down at her intently.

"Because... because you don't look like you are." She murmurs, watching me closely.

I forgot how attractive she is, remembering the night I threw her out a few weeks ago.

"Why do you even care?" I challenge her, struggling to understand.

"Haven't you ever cared for someone?"

"Yeah, I have." I reply curtly. "Once."

"What happened?"

"She died."

"I'm so sorry." She gasps, reaching out to touch my arm.

"She was called Eve." I reveal, shoving my hands back in my pockets.

"That's why you wanted me that night." She says, realising what it was about.

"I never wanted you." I tell her, making it clear. "It was about her."

"But she's gone now."

"You don't think I know that?!" I roar, shoving her away from me.

"So you're going to spend the rest of your life alone?"

"Not like I have a choice." I snap.

"But you do have one." She insists.

"There's no one else." I clarify, speaking firmly. "Just her."

"But maybe I can help you."


"Like before... we could try it again."

"Are you serious?"

"Now I understand why... it might be easier."

"Eve, you don't know what you're saying."

"I do understand."

"You really don't."

"I don't care about the blindfold." She whispers, pressing her warm body against mine. "Use it if you have to."

"You shouldn't want this..." I mumble, struggling to remain focused now she's so close to me.

"I want you, Niall." She purrs, stroking my face with her fingertips.

"You don't even know me." I point out. "I'm a monster."

"I don't care if you are. Just let me in."

"I... I don't know where to start." I whisper, fighting against the feelings she's stirred up inside of me.

"We can start slowly. I won't expect anything or demand much from you, I promise."

"I can't." I groan, tugging on my hair in frustration.

"You can." She encourages me.

"There's a part of you which reminds me of her." I admit, taking a step back. "Your innocence."

"Surely that means something?" She enquires gently.

"Of course it does."

"You're lonely" She tells me, taking my hand in hers. "You need someone and I can be that person. You can push me away but I'll still come back."

"I don't know..." I whisper softly, lowering my eyes to the ground.

"Let me come home with you. Please."


"So we can talk. You can hold me in the dark and close your eyes. It will be like you're with her."

"You think it might work?" I ask, hopeful and confused by her suggestion.

"Yes." She insists. "It will be."

"Um... ok." I agree, nodding my head.

We walk back in silence, making sure there's enough distance between us.

This feels like a betrayal.

I feel like I'm betraying the girl I love by allowing this girl to come back with me.

We approach my house and notice there's a car that's pulled up right outside. There's a blonde woman inside and her mouth falls open when she notices me walking towards her. I glare right back, wondering who the hell she is.

"Do you know her?" Eve asks, noticing the silent exchange between us.

"Never seen her before." I reply truthfully.

I'm fumbling for my front door key when I see someone else standing on my doorstep.

"N-niall?" She stammers, her voice shaky.

"Who the hell are you?" I demand harshly, taking one step forward.

The mysterious woman does the exact same thing, closing the space between us so I can see her properly.

Oh... my God.

My entire world shifts beneath me when I see her face.

It's her.

It's really her.


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