Chapter Six

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I've been watching this one for four months, making note of her day-to-day activities as well as her social. She has no idea... oblivious to my stalking and the fact that she's in danger.

Dumb bitch.

She can be pretty dense for someone so smart.

Pretty naive for someone so intelligent.

She's twenty-four.


A solicitor.

Lives alone.

My perfect victim.

I finish my work out and take a shower, taking one last look at the journal I've been keeping. The first half are drawings... endless pages of her eyes, face, smile and hands.
I can't count the number of hours I've spent staring at my sketches, consumed with longing which still burns for her.


I clench my fists and fight the urge I have to tear everything apart. I'd normally follow my instincts and let out my frustrations, smashing furniture and seeking comfort in the violence which courses through my veins.

Tonight is different.

Tonight I have to control it.

Slipping on my gloves, I slip out of my apartment and lock the door. I deliberately left the TV on as well as my kitchen light, wanting my neighbours to believe I'm at home.

Just in case.

I'm wearing a black hoodie and put it up, wanting to conceal my face as best I can. I need to blend in and look as inconspicuous as possible.


A small part of me considers going back.

A faint voice tells me I'm still her hero.


No! I tell myself, shaking my head so I can't hear it.

I have to do this.

I need to.

I have to try...

I want to know...

Because nothing else has worked.

Nothing has been able to take the pain away.


Nothing I try makes it stop.

Nothing can heal the gaping wound inside of me and before I join her... I need to know what it is to feel alive.

I need to go back to the start and do what felt natural.

I'm compelled to explore what I once buried.

"Evie, forgive me." I whisper, reaching the house which is my target. "I love you."

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