26 - The Overgrown Path to God-Knows-Where

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Nine comes faster than I wanted it to, hours creeping by slyly. I never get dressed up for other people, and this is no different. I spray some perfume and twist my hair into a loose knot on my head when the door goes. I groan, the sky dark outside, and roll my eyes at the sound of the motorbike engine.

I throw open the door and Alden stands awkwardly, mouth twitching into a nervous smile when he sees me.

"Forget about it," I command and his shoulders drop, losing the nervous tension. I return his smile with one of my own, a little gesture of forgiveness as I lock the door. He seems to understand but I feel like he wants to tell me something, the words tickling him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks, and I raise an eyebrow. He is straddled over his bike and offers me an arm. I scoff and jump on.


"Well, do you want to go somewhere after, just with me? Like, as an apology." He is tense again, anticipating the rejection.

"Yeah. I have nothing else to do at midnight."

I can see his grin from behind and I wrap my arms around him, leaning on his back.

"Are you enjoying this?" He shouts as we cruise off.

"Yeah, why?"

He chuckles and accelerates, the rumble turning into a roar. I laugh, the wind teasing my hair out of its bun and loose around my shoulders. My chagrin at my lost scrunchie doesn't  last more than a second. We take the corners fast, swinging his weight with the bike, and send dust and leaves scattering in our wake.

"That was so good." I laugh as I climb off. He is stood next to the entrance of the park, arms folded and with a smug smirk.

"We're meeting them at the skate park."

"Okay," I say brightly, jogging into the darkness behind him. My eyes quickly adjust and I swing myself over fallen trees and logs with ease, keeping Alden in my sight.

"Hey." Alden stops dead in front of me and I stop short.


"Let's not tell them about later. Just say I'm taking you home, okay?"

I laugh lightly but sourly.

"Are you embarrassed to spend time with me?"

"No! That's not what I meant. I meant they'll tease us." He adds. I roll my eyes and walk ahead of him.

"Hey! I'm in front. This is my park." He calls, catching up with me quickly. I continue ahead, dodging logs and stubs of bushes. He catches me, wrapping strong arms around me and pulling me to a stop. I stare at him blankly and wriggle free, continuing down the overgrown path to god-knows-where.

This time he reaches for my waist. I stop and open my mouth to speak but am interrupted. He tickles me and my thoughts dissolve into hysterical laughter.

"Alden! Stop! Alden! I'm gonna kill you!"

I wriggle and his hands, warm and rough, find the skin under my t-shirt and carry on. I squeal and laugh. He stops momentarily. I stare at him, breathing hard and he has a mischievous smirk on his face that melts my anger instantly.

He lifts me over his shoulder like a rag doll, with little effort. I scream louder than before, kicking wildly while he laughs. He puts me down eventually and I fall on the floor, clutching my sides from laughing too hard. He offers me a hand and pulls me up., brushing my arms off. I am stood centimetres away from his face and his eyes are stuck in mine, unblinking, his arms still resting lightly on my forearms.

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