1 - People Listen To This 𝐵𝑈𝐿𝐿𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑇?

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As per usual, I meet them outside the hall. I pull up and come skidding in. It's the first day back, attention follows me anyway, so I might as well give them something to gossip about. I'm conscious of how I look to the faces trained on me, and take my place in our circle.

"I can't skip again. I'm going to be suspended." Brooklyn groans, sending a stone skittering across the yard in frustration.

"Dude? Fuck's sake." I sigh.

I have to do a full day of school. I can't leave that moron to fend for himself. Its an unspoken law to never leave someone alone in school, and that means I can't ditch him. I am on a last warning with my English Lit teacher, but Brooklyn has already pissed on half his grades.

"I know. On the bright side, there's a new girl. One you definitely haven't fucked. She's not from this state." Brooklyn says. He is always the one with the gossip; he's one of those people that you trust straight away when you really shouldn't. After five minutes, anyone goes weak for him. I don't tend to go for the charming thing; why would I bother?


I turn around to see that girl from last week. I still can't remember her name. I feel a little balloon of acidic guilt pop inside me. Sometimes I'm scared that it is going to burn me away from the inside, wear away any morality I have left. But then I think about the heat of a party and the power of being wanted. I need those feelings.

"Sorry, I don't make the same mistakes twice." I say, adding a sardonic wince.

She walks away, face contorted in hurt like she's sucking a lemon. She sways in her heels, eyes glistening, steps a little unsteady.

"What a dickhead," Brooklyn jibes. I punch him on the arm, "Bit cringe, though."

"You definitely used that one last time. Or maybe the time before that." Shawn sighs.

"Hey, fuckers! New girl." Jordan says, tipping his head towards a girl walking into the building.

To my surprise, she isn't swaying like a drunken daydream but walks purposefully in heavy boots. Her legs are long and the way she holds her shoulders is strong and elegant. I don't catch her face, just a sheen of soft blonde hair.

"I can't wait to sleep with her," Jordan says, breathless.

"Dibs!" Brooklyn shouts.


I caught a few stares in the yard. I tucked my head down and tried to go unnoticed.

I am standing at my locker, getting my books out when the bell rings. I get a little nervous pang in my stomach and wander the halls until I spot the right number. I wasn't late, but made it barely, sitting down as the last bell rings.

I chose a seat at the back, separate from the friendship groups and managed to successfully avoid friendly glances. I never anticipated disappearing in a room full of people was so easy.

The teacher follows me in.

"Right. New seating plan." She has a nasally voice. I feel strange and oblique, sat there hiding, shrinking.

I see a few lads staring at me. Others pick up on this and turn to me to see what the exhibit is. Normally I'd smile or flip them off, depending on the energy, but I focus myself. In line with the goal, I hesitate and reluctantly dip my head. It's hard to eradicate my personality. I thought it would be easier than this. I was never the most visible, but I wasn't one to cower either.

I listen to the register, putting names to faces. I try not to draw any more attention than I already have. It takes a lot of energy to cage my tongue behind my teeth, to keep any laughs silent and my eyes down.

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