Thanks Ralof

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I was creating a new character (wood elf if you’re interested), and when my character jumped of the cart and the Imperials began to read of their dam list. So when Ralof’s name was called, he pushed my character forward, not very far and it was kind of a nudge. But I just thought that it was kind of one of those nice nudges, like kind of ‘you’ll be alright’ nudge. It was really nice. I just imagined Ralof with a sad smile of his face, giving my character a nudge on the shoulder like a gentle farewell. Like he knew I wasn’t meant to be there, but I’ll die anyway. He was saying it will be alright, to me. I was about to have my head cut off for no reason, in real life that would have been horrible, really horrible. And in real life a gentle nudge on the shoulder would help me face my death with courage and strength. So I was actually really thankful for Ralof giving my character a nudge, it made me also think, that Ralof helps you escape Helgen he helped you face death and now he’s helping you escape it. It was just something nice and it defiantly added to the game, even though it was small. It helped me decided that my character would helpful to all, and so as much good as he could. As he would always remember the time Ralof gave him that nudge of support.

Talos be with you.

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