Die a hero, or live to become the villain

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During my times in Skyrim I have saved many people and many creatures. But I have also killed many people and killed many creatures. In one of my games, I completed the main quest and every large main quest (thieves gild, companions, dark brotherhood etc…). I noticed that when I killed someone for a dark brotherhood end quests called ‘The Dark Brotherhood forever’, it was a contract in the middle of Whiterun. So I killed him as normal, I sneak attacked him and when I released the arrow from my bow it said I was hidden. But just before it hit my target a guard spotted me. And before I knew it I had large amounts of people, nearly everyone in Whiterun trying to kill me. Even though I saved them from eternal doom from Alduin and helped with the Companions, helped with random side quests excreta, excreta. They all wanted to kill me. And to be honest even though I knew it was just the way they were programmed. But even though I knew that, I couldn’t believe what they were doing. They killed me in the end, but I couldn’t fight a single one of them. And it was sad, and that’s when I realised that a saying I’ve heard in so many films, stories and sayings was true.

You ether die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

And it’s so sad because it’s true. I was a hero, guards thanked me as I walked passed, and people called me their sister, their friend. But yet they didn’t stop to kill me. I was a hero. But I lived long enough to see myself become the villain.

When my character respawned, I quit playing Skyrim. And only went back to it a few weeks later. And you know what? I haven’t played the character since.

Talos be with you.

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