Chapter Thirty-Three

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Madam Pomfrey had held Eve in the infirmary for a couple days, but eventually set her free. Efa and Lily had managed to stay with Eve that night, but in the morning, Lily was forced to go eat breakfast and then go off to classes. Efa, however, stayed with Eve her entire time in the infirmary.

But, now she was free from the infirmary after getting an apology from Madam Pomfrey from when they first met a year before. Eve gladly accepted the apologize, wanting to quickly get out of Hogwarts.

Eve and Efa were quick to leave the infirmary and made there way to the Black Lake. Everyone was in their classes, so no one besides the two were outside. But, they knew that everyone would soon be getting out for the day, so, they quickly transformed and flew into the air.

"Where do you want to go?" Efa asked her sister.

"Follow me." Motioning for Efa to follow, Eve flew up above the castle.

"Where are we going?" Efa asked as she followed the Faery.

"Shush." Eve waved her off and flew even higher to the highest point of the castle before landing. She quickly transformed and sat calmly on the highest point of Hogwarts, her legs dangling off the edge.

Efa, not bothering to question her sister anymore, came down and sat calmly beside her. Silence rang through the two but it was quickly broken by people coming out their classes. The first through fourth and sixth years all had a free period while the fifth years started taking their O.W.L.s and the seventh years started on their N.E.W.T.s.

As the two sat upon the roof of Hogwarts, they watched the students go outside and enjoy themselves. The two Faeries sat on the top of the highest tower of Hogwarts and watched. It was calming, up in the clouds. Completely serene.

"SQUAW!" The silence was broken by an owl.

The offending creature flew over to the two and landed right in front of Eve. The two girls stared at the owl in confusion.

"I think there's something on its leg," Efa whispered to Eve.

She was right. Eve took a closer look at the owl and noticed a scroll clutched between its talons. The bird lifted up its leg and hopped in Eve's direction.

"Um, okay," she said hesitantly as she took the scroll. The bird immediately flew off and into another tower.

The Faery looked back at where the owl went in confusion before looking over at Efa who just shrugged. "Some help you are," she mumbled to herself before looking back down at the scroll. She turned it around, eventually opening it.

She read through the scroll, a bright smile making its way onto her face as she read the translations of the runes.

"What is that?" Efa asked, looking over her sister's shoulder.


"From what?"

"The tree," Eve told her.

"Ahh," Efa said in understanding, "The tree that doesn't exist, right."

Eve turned back to her sister, "It's a real tree, Lily saw it."

Efa looked at Eve, her eyes narrowed in disbelief. "No she didn't."

"Fine!" Eve stood up, throwing her hands in the air keeping a tight grip on the parchment. "Lets go ask her."

"Okay," Efa laughed, doubting her sister.

"Lets go," Eve said, shoving the scroll into her dresses pocket before transforming. Quickly followed by Efa, the two girls flew off the tower and made their way to Emitt's tree by the Black Lake. That was were they all normally spent their time when they didn't have any classes.

As they came by the tree and changed back, Lily, and the Marauders came over to them.

"Hey, guys," James greeted with a wave.

"He-" Efa tried but got cut off by Eve who was trying to get to Lily.

"Tell Efa about the tree."

"The tree?" Lily frowned.

"The tree I showed you," Eve said, "The on with the runes."

A look of realization came over the redhead. "It's a very pretty tree."

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