Chapter Five

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Remus stared at Eve in shock after her short monologue but as he got ready to say something, someone walked around the corner their wand emitting a light.

"There you are, Remus," the red headed fifteen year old said, "I heard shouting."

"Yeah," Remus said rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, "That was me."

"Oh?" She asked before she finally caught sight of Eve, "Oh!"

"Hello there," Eve smiled gently at the dark skinned girl, "What are you doing out of your common room?"

"My what?" Eve asked confused, staring at the red head's beautiful emerald eyes that were so much like her own.

Remus sighed before looking over at the redhead, "She doesn't go here, Lily."

"I am not a witch," Eve stated with a smile.

"Then, what are you?" Lily asked curiously, her eyes shining.

"Miss Evans and Mr. Lupin, shouldn't you two be walking the corridors?" A stern looking woman in emerald green robes said as she spotted the duo. The two quickly looked at the professor, giving Eve enough time to sneak away and go back to her home in the Forbidden Forest.

"We were just talking to-" Remus turned his head slightly towards Eve, only to find her not there, "Eve."

"Who's Eve?" Professor McGonagall asked confused.

"Uh," Remus said frowning, looking over to Lily for help, but she was just focused on the spot Eve had been standing seconds prior.

"Miss Evans?" McGonagall said, "Do you now of an Eve that goes here?"

"She said she wasn't a witch," Lily stated; looking back at Professor McGonagall.

McGonagall's eyes widened in realization for just a moment before going back to her normally blank face, "Okay, why don't you two head back to the common room, Perfect duty ended a couple minutes ago."

Remus and Lily frowned as the nodded, before they made their way back to Gryffindor common room.

When the duo reached the portrait of the Fat Lady that led to their common room, they had to wake her up before saying the password.

"Password?" She asked sleepily.

"Malum Nympharum," Lily answered and the portrait swung open, showing the completely empty common room.

"G'Night Remus," Lily yawned as she made her way up to the girls dormitory.

"Night Lily," Remus yawned back as he made his way up to his room.

He walked into his room, expecting to find his friends sound asleep, but instead found them all sitting on his bed waiting for him.

"Hey Remus," Sirius greeted with a smile.

"Uh, hi. What are you doing up?" Remus frowned at the trio.

"What are you doing up?" James asked, "You're being such a hypocrite Remus."

"I had Perfect duties," Remus said as Sirius and James let out a snort causing Remus to roll his eyes.

"So, you saw the pretty girl again, yeah?" Sirius asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Yeah, actually, how'd you know?" Remus frowned at him.

"We looked at what we've got of the map, saw a footsteps named Eve run into you," James said, "then Evans ran into you, then McGonagall."

"And when McGonagall showed up, she booked it and headed towards the Forbidden Forest," Sirius said.

"Why would she go to the Forbidden Forest?" Remus frowned.

"I don't know, mate," James said, "But I'm tired so, g'night."

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