Chapter Nineteen

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After her meeting with Lily, Eve went towards the Hagrid's hut. She politely knocked on the door and waited for either Rubeus or Thelma to open the door, it ended up being the latter. Eve greeted Thelma with a wave and a smile as she opened the door wider for her to come in.

"Hiya, Eve," Thelma greeted a she closed the door behind her.

"Hi, Eve," Rubeus greeted from the other side of the hut where he was making breakfast, "How are yeh?"

"I'm doing well, Rubeus," Eve said kindly as she sat down at the table.

"How's the hunt for the Sprite goin'?" Thelma asked curiously as she sat down next to the Faery, "Any luck?"

"No," she shook her head, "Normally, Sprite's and Fae's, if they're twins, have a bond or connection, if you will. It's stronger when they're closer together. And so far I have flown over every Sprite village I know of in the Black Lake and in the ponds in the Forbidden Forest. There's been nothing."

"Well, I'm leaving soon," Thelma said, "You think I'd be able to find her?"

"I honestly doubt it," Eve shook her head.

"Shouldn'ta be easy, yeh're twins after all," Rubeus frowned and contradicted.

"Not all twins are identical," Eve countered, "Not all are the same gender either."

"Oh," the couple said.

"I can see the doubt now," Thelma nodded, "Makes sense. Well, good luck finding her."

"Or him," Rubeus added.

After a delightful breakfast with the Hagrid's, Eve left for the Forbidden Forest, but she didn't go to her house, instead she went to the single oak tree. She passed some Centaurs along the way, but completely ignored them.

Once she arrived at the tree, she quickly went back to her human size and walked over to the trunk. She placed her delicate hand against the runes, and relished at the unfamiliar magic that flowed through her veins. She gently closed her eyes as the power rushed through her.

Lily walked towards the Great Hall to get a quick lunch before going back to the library to study. Despite there being no test coming up, she wanted to be on top of her game for the N.E.W.T.s next year, six of which she would be taking next year.

She quickly sat down at the Gryffindor table where she spotted Alice, Marlene, and Alice's seventh year boyfriend, Frank Longbottom.

"Hey guys," she said as she sat down next to Marlene.

"Hey, Lils," Alice greeted as Marlene dug into her food like a Hippogriff.

"Marlene, that's disgusting," Lily scrunched up her nose in disgust as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Hey, Lily-Pad," an arrogant voice said from behind her before sitting down beside her.

"Potter," Lily greeted with a growl.

"Woah, calm down, I just gonna saw that you look lovely today," James said with a kind smile- not his usual arrogant and flirty one.

"Er, thanks," Lily said narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the boy. She quickly shook her head, berating herself for even being remotely friendly person who had been tormenting her since she was eleven and bullied many others. She looked away from James and went to go talk to Alice, when she noticed Sirius looking a little down.

She looked around the table for either Remus or Peter, but neither were there, so she sucked it up and turned to James, "What's wrong with Black?"

"Hmm?" James asked, "Oh, he and his parents had a fight," he told her, "he was at my house for almost the entire summer. It's happened before, but I think it's permanent this time."

"Oh," Lily said in shock. She knew the Black's weren't exactly the happiest of families, but she couldn't help but think of what made Sirius finally snap.

Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now