Chapter Four

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After Eve had left Remus Lupin with Madam Pomfrey, she immediately headed back to her home in the forest. Once she was out of view of the curious duo, she went back into her Faery form and flew off to the Forbidden Forest.

The wind flew through her blonde hair as she headed straight towards the forest. Her green eyes scanned the fields and mountains surrounding the school and the grounds. Though, while she was busy looking around the grounds, she didn't notice the approaching wooden shack she tried to avoid the night before.

The Faery ended up flying right into an open window. When Eve realized she was no longer outside, it was too late, and she crashed into the opposite wall of the window.

A faint smack was heard when she collided with the wooden walls, causing the giant man inside, along with this terrifying dog, to turn to look at her as she held her head and struggled to stay in the air.

The giant of a man watched the ten inch Faery shake her head, trying to get her vision to focus. When she looked up, and saw the man staring at her, her eyes widened in awe.

She quickly became human sized causing both the giant and the dog to let out a noise of surprise, "I'm truly sorry about that." Eve said guiltily as she looked over to the wall she flew into.

"No, it's fine," the man said, "I'm Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid."

"Eve," Eve said as she held out a hand for him to shake, "Lovely to meet you Mr. Hagrid-"

"Are yeh a Faery?" Hagrid asked, black eyes widened in awe before realization hit him like a brick, "I didn't mean that to be offensive."

"No, it is fine," Eve smiled kindly at the man, "Yes, I am a Faery and I am afraid to say I am one of the few with little tempers."

"Ah," Hagrid said in realization.

"But I do take offense to anyone insulting and holding prejudice of my kind," Eve warned, "Just a warning."

"Understandable," Hagrid said before asking, "Would yeh like to stay for tea?"

"I, uh, suppose so," Eve shuffled her feet before making her way over to Hagrid and his hound. She sat down in one of the chairs and pet the hound, "What's his name?"

"Oh, that's Fang, he's a real sweetheart," Hagrid told her.

"Lovely to meet you, Fang," Eve said as she scratched him behind the ear.

That evening, Eve decided to quench her curiosity of the castle and flew around the corridors. She failed to realize that people would be walking around. One of those people being the werewolf.

Eve flew around the corridors of the school silently, managing to stay out the paintings view, and not be seen by any of the ghosts. But, as she flew around the corner, she didn't realize someone else was as well.

Her small frame crashed into a hard chest, causing both of the them to fall back, Eve changing mid-fall. She landed I her bum as she looked up at the person she bumped into.

"Eve?" Remus asked in surprise.

"Hello, Remus," Eve smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I wanted to explore the castle," she responded.

"Have you come to tell someone?" Remus asked, not believing her answer.

Eve looked over at Remus and frowned, "What would I tell?"

"That Dumbledore's letting a monster into the school," Remus sighed sadly.

"You're not a monster," Eve said.

"Yes I am! I'm a werewolf, I could kill someone," Remus argued, "I'm a monster, just like the man who turned me."

"Why should I judge you for what you are? Yes, you could kill, anyone could. The difference between you and the monster that did this to you is that you are innocent. You. Are. Not. A. Monster."

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