25 december 2016

584 4 2

Dear diary,
As you can probably tell by now, I've received a diary for Christmas. I've never really had an interest for crap like this before but thinking back on my life, I find I can't actually remember a lot of the shit that's happened and I think it's probably about time I started to document it.

Oh, btw, this diary, Not my personal choice of style *growls intensely* monster high.... oh well! I'll make it work, some how. (I've absolutely no fucking clue how, but some how!)

Ummm... another thing, whoever the hell is reading this, be it me or some creepy stalker who's somehow got ahold of my diary, I apologise in advance for all the shit you're gonna read about in here. Also, I have to warn you about my foul filthy mouth and the disgusting language that falls from it! Aslegallyrequiredbythegovermentofbritainorsomeshit!

If you don't like reading about the horrendously antisocial and reckless life of a psychopathic teenager, leave now! This is just a boring ass introduction to the paper thin slices of hell and sin your gonna find in this bo- ... my diary!

Enjoy, creepy stalker! I hope you find my random existence amusing as you paw through all my secrets and memories! *insert Markiplier smiley face here*

Oh yeah! And I'm a Markiplite and I totally ship Septiplier! SEPTIPLIER AWAY!

Maybe I'll write some fan fiction about the two on wattpad.... if you don't know what that is, you're fucking dead to me you cunt!

Stick around if you want to be truly entertained and not just read my crappy ramblings! Or not! Whatever! I don't care *gasp* ~I DONT CARE! I LOVE IT!~

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