Chapter 16

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dedicated to you because you managed to get me out of my funk concerning this story. sorry it took so long. =(

Chapter 16




Who did that little slip of fur think she was? Barging in here like she owned the place saying that I had to delay my duel. Doesn't she know that it's not proper to delay a duel. Didn't she know that I just want to get this over with so that I can return to my family and live my last remaining days in peace never having to worry about the two packs decimating each other again? Can't she see that delaying this will just make it more difficult to win? Or that with the added stress I might not stay fit enough to fight?

No, of course she can't tell. I know she can't tell that I am stressed or in pain. I miss that connection with other shifters. I guess that's what I get for wearing false scent. I miss not being able to rely on my fellow shifters abilities to sense when I was at my limit. Sadly it is the only way I can do what needs to be done. If the council had any idea how sick I am they would never allow me to fight. I have to fight. If I don't fight my pack will be left leaderless. I am well aware that I am not fit enough to win a duel unless it is with guns and even then it is unlikely. I am simply hoping that Corey interprets the wording of the duel contract the same way I do.

Enough of these depressing thoughts. I think I will avail myself of the animal facilities. Maybe then my animal instincts will drown out my own thoughts. That's what I'll do. I haul myself out of the soft chair, and slowly make my way over to the door. It amazes me how hard it gets to move sometimes. Maybe I had better make use of the pool instead of the animal shifting facilities.

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