Chapter 5

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Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it lifts heavy objects.


“Well, let me take you on the ten cent tour of our fair city. While I do that I’ll give you some information on our elders, so pay attention, got it?” I started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. “OK, the first thing you need to know is that our elders are elected to office, there are six of them that preside over the state and Chicago is their seat of power.”

“By the by, we have just turned onto the Stevenson Expressway AKA IL route 55. You will want to know that because; it is one of the main arteries into Chicago proper. Once the highway turns you will be able to see the classic Chi-town skyline.”

“Anyway not all of the elders are old, if fact none of them are older than fifty but they tend to command respect from not only their own species but other species as well.”

 Since the dip wad of a wolf at least appeared to be listening, I continued?

“The head elder is Big Mike; he is a six foot, four, two hundred pound, black man, with a ready smile and a quick laugh. He is a great guy, easy to get along with, a real sweetheart, he is kind and more than willing to help you out, or give you advice. However he is a panther shifter and a former Marine. Do not mess with him.”

He looked out the windshield engrossed in the view of the ever growing city skyline. “Hey! Pay attention! You will need this information, or do you want to have more than one duel this week?”

“Now, the next one is Preston he’s five foot, eleven, and has a  bit of a beer gut but don’t be fooled, he won’t touch alcohol for nothing. He speaks as though he is explaining something to a child, but behind that simple exterior there is a man that can out debate anybody. His wife is a sweet heart who taught me Sign Language.”

The third elder is a woman, and while that’s not unusual, she is.  Her name is Katherine Desoto; she is six foot tall in flats, Full-figured, and smart as a rocket scientists, well that’s because she was a rocket scientist. However, because of her smarts she tends to seem aloof, but once you know her you will find that she’s a wonderful lady that possesses a subtle sense of humor, it will take you a while to pick up on though.

“As you can see we have turned onto Lake Shore Drive and we are headed north directly through downtown. You will soon be seeing more of the sky line, the Buckingham fountain, the rose gardens and the Ohio street beach, and our horrible traffic. We will be heading through Chicago for the scenery just this once because there are faster ways to get to the Shelter. However, because you are new, and you’re with me, and I don’t want to go back home right now we’re taking the slow way there.

“The fourth elder is another guy, his name is Ray, but everyone calls him Brain, because when he studies something he will cram as much information about that subject into his mind as possible then magically pull out the relevant information for whatever discussion happens to be going on. He stands about five eight, and is built like a barrel, most of which is muscle, he is another ex-Marine, and he is also half Mexican and speaks Spanish well enough to have a discussion. His wife and mate are a great couple and are still very sweet towards each other after several years of marriage.”

“The last elder on the board is Barbara, everyone calls her Barb though. She is my adopted mom. She’s why I’m reluctant to head home quickly mind you- She is tall but not as tall as Katherine, I think she’s like five four, she has dark blond hair and is thin, but not in an obvious manner, she is fun to hang out with, but she can tell you off with just a look, she has a past that you can tell has caused her to appear older than she really is but she has this way about her that she automatically encourages anyone around her, many times without her noticing. I’ve known her since I was moved here nearly eleven years ago. She is the one you will want to get to know during your stay here, she will be a great friend even after you have left the state far behind.”

“Okay, that is all of the official elders, but there are two honorary elders for the state of Chicago, they are a mated pair that’s so powerful that they could lead all of the Illinois shifters without any opposition. But because they are such great leaders they have stepped aside and allowed others to rule for the sake of peace and harmony in the state. However when there is a tie vote or a disagreement amongst the elders they will step in and rule as an elder would but otherwise they are free to do what they want. I’m sure that you will meet them eventually seeing as you seem to be somewhat important to have a duel so quickly after arriving in town. 

“I guess that just leaves me and you know pretty much everything about me that is pertinent to you. However since I’m sure that it will come up I’m of royal heritage, I’m a princess to the North American Cat Pride. Luckily for me though I’m second in line so there is little chance that I’ll ascend to the throne. And yes, I’m sure that you can’t figure out how an American shorthaired cat managed to rule the entire cat population of North America, it has to due with how we developed as shifters apparently we developed ‘skills’ to compensate for our extremely small statures in both the human and shifter worlds, I’m sorry but we still haven’t figured out the how and whys yet, so I can’t elaborate.”

We pulled into the long driveway to the house and drove slowly through the protective barrier that surrounded the estate. “Welcome to the Shelter!” I said in a grandiose tone, “where you will find temporary work, shelter, and the elders. Please come inside, and rest a spell before, you meet the extinguished elders of Illinois.” I finished with a bow.

“Cat? Is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me mom, and I brought guest.” I said to Barb. Turning to Corey I said. ”Behave, I don’t want any trouble this early in the visit, besides I’m already in a pot of hot water for what I did before I left got it?” glaring at him pointedly. He nodded so I said. "Well then that is good, let’s go in and face the music."

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