Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Mom



Be it known that ice cream is good for the soul, whipped cream is brain food, and ice cream sundaes are for the champions of the world.


That stupid woman attacked me, and all heck broke loose. As we were fighting we kept getting closer and closer to downtown until we were in the park, this wasn't good. I shoved her head into a wall behind her knocking her out like a light. So I'm rifle through her pockets I and find an ID lanyard that tells me her name is Eleanor, a pack of gum, two small knives, and a cell phone.

Well I can't leave Eleanor here it's not public enough whoever is following her to finish me off will get to her before the shelter can. So as I am pulling her over toward the crowds, but, just as I got close, her back up arrives. Great, just great, of all the things I wanted to do today this was not one of them. Oh crap, this one is a shifter I can smell it, well this day just got interesting. I pick the woman up and put her over my shoulder and run as fast as I can toward the crowd, I drop the bleeding woman unceremoniously on the ground, call for a doctor, grab her cell phone use it to call the Protector for Chicago, and run back out of the crowd to find the shifter waiting for me. He hands me a piece of paper.

I hereby challenge you to a duel in a place of your choosing for your title and all that is thine. I will meet thee here three days hence and we shall travel together toward a destination of your choosing. You may also bring your second in command with you to attend to your needs before and after the duel.

"Alright I accept your challenge and I will meet you three days hence, You may also bring your second to attend to your needs before and after the duel. Let us get this witnessed so we can continue."

I confirm as I sign the paper and hand it back. he signs the paper and we walk toward the crowd around the young woman that tried to fight me. The fixer should be here any moment and we can get the challenge witnessed by them. I looked at the paper, his name was Jason Collin.

"Jason, there will be a fixer here soon we can get your challenge witnessed by them and they will take care of the woman until after the duel so that she can heal. Will that be alright with you?"

Jason nods looking a little unsure and worried then starts pushing through the crowd probably to go stand beside the lady until the fixer is here. He seems a little attached to her for someone that sent her to her own death. I shrug and make a momentary decision to keep with him and I follow him pushing through the crowd like a team.

So as we break through front of the crowd Jason looks at me asking if I smell that too, the smell of a cat shifter and boy were they mad. Then I hear  a loud shout  from the back of the crowd and chuckle a little as the crowd parts to make way for a short woman that looks madder than a wet hen.

"I'm a paramedic, let me through, let me through, I'm a paramedic". 

Wow who ever that was is loud, and then she broke through the crowd still yelling at the top of her lungs and just stopped, for close to thirty seconds looking at the woman on the ground. she finally got going and squatted down next to the woman and pressed the heel of her hand onto the wound on her chest a pulled out a cell phone at the same time. She had a short conversation and hung up and the scent of annoyed cat increased.

Holy Cow! She is a cat shifter, that is not good, if she got any more angry she would shift right here in the middle of Millennium park. Then she looked around the crowd looking for someone. When her gaze landed on me her eyes widened for a fraction of a second then she noticed Jason next to me and she looked shocked. While she looked at Jason she motioned with her free hand for him to come help her.

So while they were occupied I studied this cat shifter she was short, not even five foot. Her dark brown hair was long, down to her waist. She was not trim and fit like most of her kind, instead she was I'd say at least a size twenty. Her face was round with a cute little nose and a mouth made for kissing, and she had silver and green wire glasses on that made her beautiful eyes stand out like you wouldn't believe.

'Whoa there buddy she's a cat, you know you can't touch a cat that will get you killed. You are the prince of wolves remember?' The stupid voice in my head reminded me. I hate that voice of reason sometimes, this, is one of those times. Her hat held her hair back to show her neck and the side of her round cheeks. Cheeks that were bare of any makeup and still managed to be smooth with freckles dotted across them.

‘Dude, you are going to get us ripped limb from limb if you don’t cool it! That is a cat! Cats don’t like wolves. Just shut that down and get on with your life. There are better looking chicks in the world you know.’ I sigh and go back to watching her tend to the poor woman I injured earlier. I wonder if I can go out with her later.

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