Chapter 22

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην kegabriel




“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” ~ Dr. Seuss


I could feel my blush crawling up my face as I grin widely. I don’t get complimented often and frankly when it happens I always feel inordinately pleased with myself. “Thanks. And I think you might be right about the mates bond. That is what I was researching yesterday. It seems that when a cat is mated with someone that’s not a cat then it starts the mates bond and grows from there.” I informed him as my grin grew wider that he thought I was beautiful.

“Then I think the next question is can we stop it if we want to?” He asks with a little shrug.

That one question crushed the little spark of hope that I had allowed to grow. I know very well that I am not the right size, or the right personality to be girlfriend, or wife. but still, I had hoped that he was different. He just said I am beautiful. It hurt to know he wanted out of the bond. I sigh and nod slowly reaching over to grab my notebook from yesterday. “I’m not really sure but let me look through my notes.”

He nodded and sat back fiddling with the sheet of paper he had gotten from me. He is folding it seemingly not paying attention to what it is turning into. “I didn’t mean to hurt you by asking, it’s just that we are so different and wolves are feuding with cats like always. I just don’t want you to have to deal with that entire hullabaloo.”

I tightly rein in my emotions and I nod carefully. “Yeah, I’m sure. Though I think I would rather be mated and deal with a feud than lose my mate over something that was stupid in the first place.” I say softly as I lean forward to search through the notebook to find the right page.

“I’m glad you feel that way. I really don’t want to go mateless either. I have been searching for the last eleven years after all.” He says with a shrug and a slight smile, making me wonder if he actually cares at all.

“Corey, I have to ask you, do you accept me? Because if you don’t we will have to break the bond. I really don’t want to break the bond so this is all your decision.” I ask him closing my eyes and praying to the good Lord above that he says no.

I hear a heavy sigh and the rustling of clothes before he replies. “No, I don’t want to break the bond. Cat Neko DeLaOro, I accept you as my mate and my love forever.” He says the last words with a smile making me jump out of my chair and jump into his lap with a happy shout.

“Yes! As do I, take you, Corey Bloodstone, as my mate, and my love.” I shout happily and hug him tighter grateful that his is strong enough not to break. “I may not love you now but I will love you soon and that is enough for me.”

Corey laughs and stands up swinging me around like a sailor back from a PAC making me cling to him as I laugh and bury my face in his warm neck. He is so strong; he is lifting me without even a little grunt. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. “Thank you for accepting me. I thought you didn’t want me.” I say softly in his ear as he continues to spin us.

“I could never reject you. You are beautiful, smart, and you have a sense of humor that I love to see in action. I will never want to give you up, not even for all the riches in the world.” He says finally sitting down and pulling me into his side. 

“But you asked if there is a way to break the bond. I thought you didn’t want me.” I say softly laying my head on his chest. “If you don’t I’ll break the bond with you.” I offer sadly biting my lip and looking at his shoes so I don’t have to see his face.

He chuckles and lifts my chin carefully. “I asked for you, I’m sorry that it hurt you like that it’s not what I meant to happen. I will love you forever and like you for always. Thank you for being the mate for me.”

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