Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Cat


The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


It has been five minutes since I dragged Corey into the room where the elders hold court. I think I saw that other shifter Jason I think his name was, walk by the door a few seconds ago but I’m not sure. I hope he didn’t get lost on his way here, it could be unfavorable if he were to show up late to a hearing started for the newcomers to the city. 

“Hey, Corey, Have you seen Jason?” I asked nudging him in his side a little irritated that I can’t nudge him in the ribs like I want to.

“No, but I think I smelled him around so he should show up eventually.”

As soon as Corey finished the door opened and Jason walked in. He looked a little worse for the wear and pretty sad. I wonder if he is worried about Eleanor. Lord knows I’m a bit concerned myself, though there is no way in heaven above I’m gonna tell either of them that.

“Speak of angels, and wings flap. Eh, Corey? I ask with a grin and a short chuckle. Shaking my head I sit down and lean back in the chair waiting for everybody to file in for the meeting of the council.

“Hey, Jason, did you find the place OK? I just realized that I kind of left you hanging when I left. Sorry about that, I was in no mood to deal with this today. By the by, have you heard how Eleanor is doing?” I ask breaking the annoying silence. Jason looks down and shrugs a little his face turning into a forced mask of indifference. 

“No, I have yet to hear about Eleanor. I was able to find the Shelter with little difficulty, thank you for asking.” Jason said with a baritone timber in his voice.

His voice alone could make lesser women swoon. Now that I was in more familiar surroundings I could smell his scent he isn’t a wolf like I thought he was. He is actually a Saint Bernard, Great Dane mix it think. Wow, he must be a big animal, I wonder what he looks like. Too bad I don’t think I’ll get to find out till the duel on Wednesday. 




I wondered what that cat was thinking; she seemed to be in another world entirely. I tapped her on the shoulder, “Are you alright? You seem to be a little distracted.”

“I’m fine, just thinking.”

“ALL RISE! The court of elders will now resume hearing and ruling on travelers and rogues wishing to live within the limits of the great city of Chicago Illinois.” The bailiff yelled as he entered the courtroom. His chest puffed out and his walk stiff making him look like a giant prairie dog.

I turn quickly and stand at attention as the elders enter the room. The first elder to enter is a giant of a man, six foot four, black, and moves with the grace and ferocity of a great cat; he sat in the center chair. The next to enter sits on his right, she is tall and shapely with an air of one who is intelligent, and loyal. On his left is another woman she is about five foot one, thin, and had a lovely mane of hair that tumbles down her back. The next to enter sits on the far right; he is five foot eleven and looks almost simple. But then the last person I thought to be simple completely trounced me in a game of Othello. I have yet to forget that defeat. The last to enter was a short, fireplug of a man, but that just hides his raw power, he has a faraway look in his eyes and a soft expression on his face. Once the elders have taken their seats, I hear the big, black, man’s booming voice.

“Young man, please state your name, and reason for coming before the board this evening.” His voice rings with authority and his eyes study me in the minutest detail looking for flaws and deception. 

I bow deeply; I have found that doing so makes a good impression on most elders. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jason O’Brien. I am currently a Rogue traveler from north-eastern Arkansas; I would like to be able to live within the city limits until further notice. Also I have an upcoming duel with this man, Corey Bloodstone, on this coming Wednesday.” I said indicating that lying scumbag with a wave of my hand. “That is all, thank you for your time and consideration.” I finish my little speech with another bow and sit down to hear the ruling.

 “Welcome to Chicago son. You are welcome to reside within the city limits if you can content yourself with waiting to fight your duel. Also you are more than welcome to live and work at the shelter until more suitable accommodations can be found.” The rotund councilman says kindly.

“Thank you sir, I would like to avail myself of one of your rooms tonight. Also, will Eleanor, my traveling partner be welcome as well?” I ask anxiously shifting a little.

“Most likely she will be welcome. Where is she?” He inquires a little suspicious as to why she is not here with me.

“I am sorry to say that she was the woman that was injured earlier today. As of now I do not know where she was taken for treatment.”

“In that case, yes, she will receive the same courtesy, seeing as she is already here in the shelters hospital wing. Now you are dismissed. Please follow Cat to the hospital wing, after you have seen to Eleanor there will be someone to take you to your room. If you have any questions please ask someone and they will be happy to help you.”

“Thank you again sir.” I say as I bow respectfully. I turn and follow Cat out of the courtroom. She stops suddenly just outside the doors and waits for them to close properly before speaking.

“Okay, here is the deal; I need you to pay attention on the way there as it is a bit confusing.” Cat said as soon as the door shut. She smiles a little and leads the way humming a strange tune and bobbing her head like a crazy person. I wonder if she is unstable. Though, she didn’t seem all that unstable when she was taking care of that fiasco in the park. Maybe this is just one of the ways she relieves stress, I have heard that people in high stress jobs tend to be a little off kilter. Thought to be honest I’ve never met one that was stranger than I am. I might have to try spending more time with her and find out what she is really like.

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