Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Corey

    I watched as she gracefully climbed onto the bicycle and rode to a pole along the running track. She grabbed the pole and stopped herself the pushed herself backward and then pulled herself forward suddenly lifting the pole as she went by. The pole looked about six foot long, two and a half inches around, and had a tip on the end that looked like it had been put in a giant pencil sharpener, it was vaguely reminiscent of a pike, or a spear, and had a red and blue binding around the center. She hefted the pole onto her shoulder and pedaled quickly toward the far side of the track where she started. 

I quickly shoved my feet into my shoes and ran toward the track wondering what on earth she was doing. As I reached the edge of the track a I saw her slow down and drive the pointed end of that pole into the ground just off the track on one of the far corners. She then stopped herself using the pole and slid off of the bike to the ground. 

She ran a couple of yards to the left of the pole and knelt on the ground in the high grasses surrounding the track. I grabbed a pole as I ran past the line of them and ran towards where she had dropped her bike. As I reached about the halfway point of the field within the track she reemerged from the grasses dragging someone. I continued to run as she dragged the person to the pole, and sat them up with their back against it.  She calmly walked back to her bike, grabbed a small container, and walked back over to the person. 

By the time she got back to the person I was a few yards away and saw that the person was a young man, thin wearing a white T-shirt and black running shorts. I reached her side as she opened the pouch from her bicycle, from which she produced, band aids, string, a small vial, duct tape, and a tire repair kit. She kept the duct tape, vial, and band aids out and placed the rest in a heap on the ground. 

“Here, make yourself useful and tape his hands behind his back and around the pole, use plenty of tape I don’t want him to get away”

I took the tape and wound it around his wrists tightly, then taped his wrists to the pole. As I trussed the young man up I noticed that she was running her hand through his hair, gently probing his skull with her fingertips.

“This fine specimen of a fellow came up behind me as I was looking at the other young man in the grass back there, and startled me, so naturally I hit him over the head. He managed to hit a rock when he fell and knocked himself out cold. He should be fine in a minute or two. Can you go back into the grass and find the other dude for me? I’ll wake this guy up and make sure he is ok before I yell at him for scaring me.”

I nodded and walked through the grass and nearly tripped over a lanky looking young man. He was curled up in the fetal position with his back to the track. He looked similar to the young man that was tied to a pole a few yards away, wearing identical clothing as well. This had me curious to say the least, because he was clearly a shifter, but why was he out here on the track passed out, and furthermore why was he here when he couldn’t even shift yet? I bent down and picked the guy up in my arms and staggered back toward Cat, for a lanky young man he had some weight on him.

“Here he is, do you want me to lay him out here?”

“Yes, please. Then come over here and help me hold this one down while I wake him up. Knowing young men, he will be just mad enough to do something stupid like try to change. And that would hurt him and his alternate form irrevocably.”

I laid the young man in my arms out on the outer ring of the track well away from the commotion that was about to happen, and walk over to stand behind Cat as she moved to sit on her captives knees. She held up the small vial that I had seen earlier and proceeded to explain what she was doing.

“I hit him hard so in turn when he fell he hit that rock pretty hard. I need you to kneel behind him and put one hand behind his head and your dominant arm across his chest to hold him in place when I wave this vial of smelling salts under his nose.”

“Sure” I interjected nodding.

 I am a little concerned about his reaction because as you well know male shifters at this age tend to fly off the handle easily. The fact that I beat him with one well aimed punch will not sit well, and then to find out that I trussed him up, and that I intend to have a talk with him about sneaking up behind his elders, he is gonna be madder than a wet hen.”

I nodded, understanding her worries, if this had happened to me at seventeen or so I would have tried to rip her head off. I placed my hands as she had asked and placed a knee on his bound wrists. 

I inhaled. “Three. . .Two. . . One. . .

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