Chapter 15

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  Brandon felt like his world was crashing down, ' First I am disappointing Jude and now Callie is hurt!,' he thought to himself. He ran as fast as he could to Callie, not caring about anything else other than her. When he reached her, she was out cold and had blood coming from the back of her head. Frantically, Brandon pulled out his phone a called 911. A little while later an ambulance showed up and when they put Callie in there Brandon ran up to one of them and said," Can I ride with her?" They were in a hurry so the guy just motioned for Brandon to get in. At the hospital a little while after Brandon called Lena the whole family came and Stef ran up to the front desk and said," Where is my daughter!" " Ma'am please lower your voice. Now, what's your daughters name," The lady at the desk asked. Stef tried calming herself down and said," Callie Foster." The lady nodded and searched for Callie's name. When she found it she said," Well it appears that she is still in surgery. Please have a seat and a doctor will notify you when they are done." Stef mumbled," Thanks," and walked away. When she walked up to the others Mike asked," What did she say?" " Callie is still in surgery," Stef said. Mariana was really worried and scared so she asked," Is Callie going to make it?" Stef walked up to Mariana and gave her a hug and said," Callie is a very strong person, I know for a fact that she will make it." A few anticipated hours later a doctor came out and said," Family of Callie Foster?" Stef shot up and went over to him along with Lena and Mike and Stef said," That's us. How is she doing?" The doctor looked at the three adults with sympathy and sadness and said," She made it through the surgery but sadly shortly after we finished Callie fell into a coma." This time Lena was the one to ask a question," For how long?" The doctor shook his head and said solemnly," There isn't any way to tell it could be days, minutes, or even years but sadly we can't tell." In that moment Stef could feel her heart break for her child as for Lena and Mike. The doctor didn't fully expect them to respond so he said," I will let you know if we find out anything more but for now I would advise you to go home and rest." When they got back to the kids Brandon was the first to ask," How is she?" Mike felt bad being the one to tell them the news but he said," Callie pulled through the surgery... but she fell into a coma and we don't know when she will wake up." Brandon didn't pay any attention to anyone else's response all he knew was that he needed to see Callie for himself. Brandon stood up and said as he was walking away," I need to see her." Lena went to stop him and she said," Brandon the doctor said that we should go home." Brandon stepped away from her and shouted," I don't care! I need to see her now!" Lena was shocked by this and she stood there as Brandon walked up to the front desk. " Where is Callie Foster's room?" The lady looked up at him and then said," Sir she is in a coma right now visitors are not what she needs now." Brandon angrily shook his head and yelled," What is her room?! I need to see her!" The lady sighed and gave in, she gave him the number and he ran to her room. When he got there he felt himself break inside because she looked so peaceful but he knew that wasn't the case. He walked in there and grabbed her hand and said," Callie its me. I just want you to know that I am sorry and that I love you so much." When he didn't get a response he gave her a sad smile and leaned down and kissed her forehead.
For the next few weeks Brandon almost never left her room. He would always talk to her like she could hear him and he would keep her updated on all the things that were going on. Sometimes Brandon wouldn't be there and that was usually when the whole family comes. It was really hard on all of them but they all had hope that Callie was waking up anytime soon. Before they knew it weeks turned into months and it had been four whole months since Callie fell into her coma. Today Brandon was going to visit Callie but he promised Stef and Lena that for himself he would visit less because he needed to focus on school and his emotional state. When he entered he sat down next to Callie and took her hand in his and started," Callie I am sorry but I will be visiting you less often. I just want you to know that these past four months have been so lonely without you and I miss you. In case you were wondering the restraining order was dropped because I think Stef and Lena believe that my feelings have become more brotherly than not. I know you need to take your time to wake up but I just want you to know how much you matter to all of us... to me." Brandon then felt a faint squeeze on his hand and he had to make sure he wasn't imagining it to fully believe it was Callie. He stared at her for a few minutes until her eyes started to open and then she croaked out," Brandon?" Brandon felt so happy and overjoyed he couldn't help but pick her up in a hug and say," Yes Callie its me." Callie winced at the hug because she was still a bit sore from not moving for a while. Brandon let her go and he said," I have missed you so much Callie! We all have!" Callie gave him a confused look and she asked," How long was I asleep for?" Brandon realized now that Callie had no memory of the past few months so he just said," You have been in a coma for about 4 months."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     Sorry for the horrible chapter. I know I am really bad at writing and I am sorry if this is a bit of a let down or something. If you did actually like it please let me know because I am not the most motivated right now so please  help motivate me by commenting and letting me know your thoughts. Please vote and comment.
- Em💖

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