Chapter 2

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  The next day in the car on their way to school in Lena's car Brandon was a bit shocked by how close the school was to the beach. When they arrived the kids all got out of the car but before Callie could walk away Lena stopped her and asked." Hey Callie could you show Brandon around school." Callie nodded and replied," Sure." Callie then walked over to Brandon and said," Would you like me to show you around?" Brandon shrugged his shoulders while he was still taking in the school. " Are you surprised that Anchor Beach is so close to the beach," Callie asked interrupting Brandon's thought. Brandon looked around some more and asked," You guys actually go here?" Callie laughed and nodded her head. Brandon then looked at Callie and said," I don't usually see schools like this." " Oh well I hope you like this one", Callie said while giving Brandon a sympathetic smile. Callie then turned her head towards the school and said," Well let me show you the inside of the school." Callie started walking towards the school while Brandon followed. Callie stopped at a locker and said," Here this is your locker." Brandon nodded and Callie handed him a piece of paper with his locker combination. Once he put some stuff in it Callie asked," Do you need help finding your first period?" " No thanks I think I can manage", Brandon replied not wanting any help. Callie gave him one last smile before heading off to her first period class. At lunch Callie was walking with Wyatt while holding his hand. " So do you think that you can still come", Wyatt asked. Callie nodded her head and responded," Yeah I should be able to." After saying that Callie noticed Brandon walking away from school. Wanting to find out where he was going Callie told Wyatt," Hey um I got to go, see you after school." Wyatt gave her a confused look but she ignored it and gave him a quick kiss and then walking fast towards Brandon. " Brandon! Wait up", Callie called trying to get him to stop. Brandon shook his head and said," Can't I have to do something." Callie ran a little to catch up to him and grabbed his arm and said," Is this about your little brother?" Brandon looked down and then ahead and answered," Yes." " Okay then I will help you, but I will not let you go alone", Callie said making it clear that she wouldn't leave this alone. Brandon sighed and looked at her and said," Okay but you stay by my side at all times." Callie nodded her head and the two walked towards the bus stop. On the bus Callie couldn't help but ask," So why exactly did you get arrested?" Brandon looked at his hands and said," My old foster father caught Jude trying on one of his ex-wife's dresses and he started beating him. I couldn't get him off of Jude so I started to beat up our foster father but he was more stronger than I was so he punched me until I blacked out and the next thing I knew I was in Juvie. My social worker told me that he said that I went crazy and started beating up Jude and then him as well and he only used self protection." Callie was speechless, she didn't know how to respond or what to say. Brandon looked up and then over at her and said," I don't regret it, the only thing I regret is leaving Jude." Callie nodded her head and stated," You really love your brother." Brandon got even more serious and said," I would do anything for him. He is my family." " Well you are a part of our family as long as you are staying with us", Callie said trying to cheer him up. Brandon let out a sigh and asked," Can I be honest with you?" Callie nodded her head and waited for him to continue. "I know how these placements work," Brandon continued," I will be here for a few weeks then I go to a new foster home." Callie was going to say something but the bus came to a stop and the doors open. " Coming", Brandon asked as he stood up and held out his hand. Callie nodded her head and grabbed his hand and they walked off the bus. When they walked up to the house Brandon said to her," Okay so there is a back door and I will go in through there and you distract him." Callie nodded her head and looked down and realized that she was still holding Brandon's hand. Brandon noticed their hands as well and he pulled his away and said," Sorry." Brandon then pointed to the front door and he quietly walked to the back door. Callie walked up to the porch and rung the door bell. A few seconds later a big guy answered the door and said," Can I help you." Callie could smell the alcohol in his breath but ignored it and responded with," Uh yeah I am a bit lost and my car broke down I was wondering if you could help me." Callie noticed Brandon sneaking in through the back so she knew she had to get this man out of the house. The man shook his head and said," Do I look like a mechanic to you?" " No but maybe you could help a little," Callie pleaded now worrying about him noticing Brandon. The man noticed her looking towards the back of the room and he looked there as well and instantly yelled," Hey, I told you to never come back here!" Brandon stopped and said," I just came to get Jude and then I will leave." The man then went to a drawer and pulled out a gun and yelled at Brandon," No you get out now!" Callie panicked and she ran inside and up to him and stood in between Brandon and the guy and said," Woah please put the gun down." The man then grabbed Callie by the wrist and put it behind her back and held the gun up to her head and said to Brandon," Get out now or I shoot her." Callie had tears in her eyes and then she looked over and saw a boy that looked about 11 or 12 scared and shocked. Brandon didn't know what to do but he did know that he wouldn't let anything happen to Jude or Callie. Before anyone had time to react the door busted open and Stef and another guy police officer came in and the guy yelled," Put the gun down!" Stef yelled as well," Put the gun down now!" The man that had Callie dropped the gun and released Callie and she fell to the floor and broke into tears. The guy cop put the man in hand cuffs while Stef took his gun. Brandon ran over to Jude and said to him in a calming voice," It's okay Jude I am here." Jude nodded his head and then looked over at Callie and noticed how shaken up she was. Brandon noticed as well and he looked at Jude to see what he wanted him to do. " She needs someone right now", Jude said motioning for him to go over to Callie. Brandon then ran over to Callie and picked her up. He noticed that when he was carrying her she was crying into his shirt but he didn't care. Brandon looked down at her and asked," Hey are you okay?" Callie shook her head and clung onto Brandon more. Brandon noticed the same guy police officer coming towards him. Once he reached Brandon he said," Let me see her." Brandon shook his head and said," No she needs someone to comfort her." The police officer sighed and said," I know that is why I want you to hand her to me." Brandon still refused to give her to him. Callie recognized the other voice and she said through sniffles," Dad?" " Yes Cal I am here", the police officer said to Callie. Then he grabbed Callie and took her away from Brandon's arms. Brandon was confused but he shook it off and he ran over to Jude. Once Brandon reached Jude, Jude asked," Are we safe now?" Brandon nodded and said," Yes Jude we are safe for now."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am sorry that it took me so long to update I have been super busy. I hope you guys liked it and let me know if you guys want more and what you think.
- Em💖

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