Chapter 6

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The next day was Saturday and Mariana was determined to get some answers out of Callie. After breakfast Callie was in her room reading and Mariana came in and said," So what was yesterday about? Who was that guy?" Callie closed her book and let out a sigh," He is my ex." Mariana was confused because she thought the only real boyfriend Callie had was Wyatt. " Okay but why did he hurt you Callie," Mariana asked trying to wrap her head around everything. Callie shook her head and said," Forget it Mariana you wouldn't understand and plus I bet I won't see him again so just leave it." Mariana was now upset that Callie was talking down to her and she said," No Callie I won't just leave it. That guy hurt you and you are just going to play it off like it was no big deal?" Callie was now mad that Mariana wouldn't drop the subject so she yelled at her," Mariana I said drop it!" After Callie yelled Stef came in the room and asked," Hey what is all the yelling about?" " Callie won't tell me who that guy was yesterday and why he tried hurting her," Mariana said irritated that she was being treated like a little child. Stef knew how much Callie was hurting from the incident so she wasn't going to force her to tell the others," Mariana I am sure that Callie will explain everything to you once she is ready." Mariana shook her head and looked at Callie and said," I don't get it Callie we used to be so close and now you don't tell me anything." With that Mariana left their room and Callie was trying to hold back her tears. " Cal why don't I have Wyatt come over," Stef offered feeling bad for her daughter. Callie shook her head and said," No I don't think he would want to talk to me." Stef sighed and said," Well I would at least give him a call if I were you." Callie nodded and with that Stef left the room. Callie decided to call Wyatt. After a few rings he picked up," Hello?" " Hey um it's me, I was wondering if you wanted to come over so we could talk about yesterday," Callie asked hoping he would say yes. It took Wyatt a few minutes to respond then he said," Okay Cal I will be over a soon as I can." Callie smiled and said," Okay great." With that she hung up the phone and went back to her book. About 30 minutes later Wyatt knocked on her bedroom door and entered and said," Hey your mom let me in and she told me to just come up here." Callie smiled and said," No it is fine." She scooted over and patted the spot next to her offering for him to sit down. " So about yesterday-," Wyatt started but Callie interrupted him," Can we just forget yesterday ever happened. Please, it seems like all people are doing is asking me what happened and why and I am just not ready to explain it all." Wyatt nodded and said," Okay consider it forgotten. But could I ask you one question Cal?" Callie sighed and nodded not really knowing what to expect his question to be. " If there was something going on between you and Brandon you would tell me right," Wyatt asked. Callie was surprised by how off topic that question was," Why would you ask that?" Wyatt sighed and said," Because I want to know for sure if I need to worry or not." Callie debated for a second about telling him the truth but soon decided against it knowing the consequences that could come with it. " No, nothing is going on between me and Brandon," Callie said not expecting that to hurt her as much as it did. Wyatt smiled and said," Okay good. I believe you and Callie you know that I love you." Callie nodded," Yeah I know and I love you too." After saying that Callie was really starting to question the last part. Later on that night Brandon was sitting in his room working on homework when he heard a knock at his door. " Come in," he said not looking away from the paper in front of him. Jude walked in and said," Brandon?" Brandon looked up at his little brother and said," Hey Jude what's up?" Jude sat next to Brandon and said," How long are we going to stay here with this family." Brandon sighed and said," I don't know but what I do know is that they really care about us." Jude smiled and said," They are really nice. Me and Jesus have been getting kind of close and I think I am starting to see him as a brother." Brandon wrapped his arm around Jude and said," That is great." Jude's smile faded and he said," Yesterday seeing Callie get beat up by that guy brought back memories of me seeing you get hurt and I couldn't help but wonder why you put up with so much pain in your life." Brandon was shocked at how much his little brother thought about their past," Well Jude we both have experienced a lot of pain in our lives and you are very strong and tough for always having a smile and always seeing the best in things." Jude's smile came back and he said," Thank you Brandon you are the best brother ever." Brandon hugged Jude and said," You too." Jude looked down and then at Brandon and said," Brandon are you starting to develop feelings for Callie?" Brandon thought for a moment in how to respond and then said," Jude even if I am I wouldn't do anything to get us kicked out you know that." " I know but sometimes you do stupid things and I just don't want you ruining things for the both of us," Jude said causing Brandon to feel some guilt about the kiss that him and Callie shared. Jude yawned and said," I am going to go to bed." Brandon nodded and said," Okay good night Jude." " Good night," Jude replied while getting up. Brandon couldn't help but question what was he should do about his feelings but one thing he knew was that Jude had to come first.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the short chapter I wasn't sure how to continue this chapter but in the next one Brandon and Callie are going to start making some decisions about where to go ad in their relationship. This chapter was kind of just a filler so it wasn't the best. I wanted to thank @JacobFilmGuy25 and @kaleyb7 for commenting on my other chapters. Thanks for the support and votes.

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