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Halloween had approached, and it was evident in the air that something was going to go horribly wrong, everyone lived in fear, and it was swallowing everyone whole

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Halloween had approached, and it was evident in the air that something was going to go horribly wrong, everyone lived in fear, and it was swallowing everyone whole.

Sirius was out on a raid, insisting that James should spend Halloween with his family, considering it would be the babies first.

Remus felt on edge and had begged  to bring Harry somewhere safe for the night, but Iris had politely declined agreeing with Sirius about how the pair should spend Halloween with their little angel.

It was late that evening, when a loud bang echoed throughout the house, a whole family, left cold to the bone, heavy chested and pale as they knew what was coming.

"I love you, Iris." James muttered, kissing his girl's cheek, one last time before drawing his wand and heading down the stairs slowly.

"James." Iris whispered, Lily holding onto the girl, as they hid, hoping it wasn't Voldemort but a sick joke, some local kids playing a prank; but it wasn't.

The third unforgivable curse echoed through the thin walls, along with the accompanying sound of a falling body, the body of James Potter.

Iris almost screamed, if not for her sister holding a hand over her mouth, trying to conceal their location as much as possible.

The twins heard the echoing sound of footsteps approaching Harry's bedroom, and their stomachs dropped.

"I love you, Iris, and I know it's late to say; but i hope that you can forgive me." Lily whispered, a tear falling down her face.

"I forgive you, Lily." Iris cried, "I did a very long time ago, I love you."

Lily nodded, gripping her wand and running into the hallway, knowing that she was about to lose this battle.

Voldemort was merciless as he shot the killing curse a second time, laughing maniacally as the gingers body hit the floor, the girl's last breath escaping her.

Iris ran to the crib, throwing herself in front of it, knowing well that if she was dying tonight, the last thing she would do was protect her darling child.

Voldemort entered the room and stared at the woman, a grin on his face stretching from ear to ear.

"Please, please spare my child." Iris muttered, pleading with the man, who only laughed in response.

"Kill me, just leave Harry be!" Iris screamed, raising her want at the man.

Voldmort raised his wand, uttering the killing curse one last time, as Iris turned to her baby, with tears in her eyes, a lump in her throat, she was afraid to die, afraid to fail Harry and leave him behind.

"I love you, Harry." Iris cried, whimpering, "Mummy loves you so much."

Those were the last words of Iris Potter, her body hitting the floor, just like that of her sister and her beloved, no longer moving and completely still.

Voldemort smirked maliciously, succeeding in killing more pointless wizards and witches who were against him.

He raised his wand, more than ready to kill the child who would supposedly be his downfall.

He shouted the enchantment, which rebounded,  destroying Voldemort for years to come and left Harry with a single lightning shaped scar upon his forehead.

They had all passed away in the late evening of Halloween in Godric's Hallow, 1981, leaving a small child behind, who was destined for a greater fate.


Sirius and Remus approached the house hearing of the commotion in utter shock. Sirius dropped to his knees as he felt hopeless. His best friends all dead, he wept before being startled by wizarding police of Azkaban.

"Sirius Black, you are under arrest for the killing of twelve muggles and the killing of the following wizards: Peter Petigrew, James and Iris Potter and Lily Evans . You have the right to remain silent, please stand and out your hands behind your back."

Sirius' expression mirrored one of horror and confusion. "What? But, I didn't?" He muttered in confusion, yet, he still stood giving into the police's persuasion.

The guards handcuffed him and began to pull him away, the man begging and pleading, screaming until his theist was raw and his lungs gave out.

Remus watched helplessly, at the bodies of his closest friends covered on the floor and his other being taken away. 
He truly was all alone, and it was his worst fear.

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