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Their time at Hogwarts had came to a close, and it was now time for graduation

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Their time at Hogwarts had came to a close, and it was now time for graduation.
The moment was bittersweet, so much had happened within these walls, good and bad, and the fact they were leaving so many memories behind was saddening.

They had a bigger purpose to fill now, the role of being an auror in the order of the Phoenix. It wasn't a surprise when the group had been offered these positions, nobody wanting this more than James, who wanted his parents death not to be in vain.

They all wanted picture perfect lives too, where they could bring up their children, in a time where it was okay to be magical, whilst keeping their morals intact. None of that would happen with Voldemort still in the picture.

The wizards stood in alphabetical order as their names were called to receive their wizarding diploma.

Iris, sat anxiously until she heard her name being called, making her way to the stairs beside the stage, a smile plastered on her face.

Dumbledore, smiled, giving her hand a shake, when delivering to her the wizarding diploma, a congratulations was sent her way, before she made her way back to her designated seat.

Once everyone had received their diplomas, applause and praise echoed throughout the great hall, everyone adorned with a lively smile.

Iris made her way to her friends and boyfriend, smiling and hugging the lot, pride coasted through her veins, as she thought of how large of an accomplishment graduation really was.


Months have passed since the friends had joined the order of the Phoenix and finally good news had occurred, Marlene and Iris both were pregnant, meaning dark times would become lighter. It wasn't ideal to have a child around this time, since they were facing with Voldemort and death eaters, who were intent on destroying the order, but Iris and James knew that their baby would be what gave them hope and that's what they needed.

James, Sirius, and Peter were off on a raid late one night, leaving the two pregnant women and Lily, who was with an armed Remus, waiting for the calm before the storm.


Hours passed and suddenly, Sirius, Peter and James rushed in with Frank Longbottom and his pregnant wife, Alice, panting and out of breath, fear taking over their features. The couple were in each other's arms, holding on for dear life. James taking a glance at Iris, before embracing her in a tight hug, that seemed to last forever.

"I missed you too, love, but, usually you aren't this attached after a raid." Iris spoke, rubbing her stomach, "Is everything okay?" She looked at her partner sceptically, unsure of what was happening.

"We have a problem, a major problem." Sirius spat out, still gasping for breath, as he held onto Marlene.

The women looked at each other with worried glances, their hearts beating loudly in their chests.

"Sirius, James. What's going on? Why are the Longbottom's here?" Marlene's voice shook, as she clung onto her partners arm desperately.

"There's a myth going around, either ours, Iris' or Alice's baby could be the one to defeat Voldemort. He's doubled attacks, he wants you all killed to prevent his demise." Sirius explained, running a hand over his face, defeated.

"We got the Longbottom's and headed back as soon as we could." James explained, kissing his partners temple, "We couldn't risk losing you or the babies."

The room went silent, everyone feeling similar emotions, most making people feel sick to their stomachs. Iris looked at Frank and Alice for confirmation, wishing they would say that it was a bad dream and nothing more. The couple nodded, and with that the girl's heart sunk.

"Dumbledore is putting us under secret keeping to protect us all. I promise we'll keep you safe." James assured, taking a seat on the couch in the living room, removing his jacket.

"I don't want to die, James." Iris whispered, silent tears sliding down her cheeks, as she sat beside James.

"We're going to be okay, love." James murmured, placing a gentle kiss on her temple, before wrapping an arm around her.

"James." Sirius spoke up, frowning, "Can we speak privately please?" His voice laced with urgency, as the Potter boy nodded.

"Love, I'll be right back." James assured, standing, and heading into another room with Sirius.

James looked at Sirius, who had a comfortless expression on his face.

"What's up, Padfoot?" James asked, quietly, not wanting the girl's to hear in the next room.

"Marlene is going to pop soon, and we all know it. We all know what's going to happen after that, and anything could happen to me at any time." James went to interject, but Sirius shook his head, "Marls and I, wanted to you to promise us something. Whatever happens, we want you and Iris, to be our baby's Juliettes god parents, if anything happens to us, we need you two to look after her." Sirius looked at his best friend with hopeful eyes, him being a bundle of nerves.

"You finally found a name for her." James smiled softly, his heart warming at the situation.

"We decided on it, after remembered that day in the library, when you and Iris encouraged me to talk to her." Sirius smiled, fondly.

"Iris and I, would be honoured to be her god parents." James paused before continuing. "I'm glad you asked honestly, because Iris and I were going to ask, you and Marlene, the same question. Harry is going to need his godparents."

"Looks like we're going to be god parents, huh?" Sirius smiled, before embracing his best friend in a hug.

"It looks like it." James chucked at Sirius, feeling his heart swell at the fact he had a family who wouldn't leave his side.

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