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The holidays had now passed meaning that their holidays were over, and it was time to board the train in time for their sixth year at Hogwarts

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The holidays had now passed meaning that their holidays were over, and it was time to board the train in time for their sixth year at Hogwarts.

Iris felt butterflies in her stomach, the idea of facing the Marauders again, in particular James and Remus, left her out of sorts.

Petunia had spent nearly all her time with the strawberry blonde over the holidays, and had been helping her stand on her own two feet again.

Iris felt rejuvenated and stronger now that she ever had before, and it was thanks to her sister guiding her and supporting her in her endeavours.

The girl stood in front of the bathroom mirror, ruffling her strawberry blonde curls, and fixing her make up. Iris was usually against the extra effort into her appearance, but a part of being better on the inside, meant being better on the outside.

She nodded to herself one last time, as her family called for her and her sister to hurry, or they would be late to board the train.

The Evans family sat in total silence whilst in the car on the way to the train, emotions clashing and colliding with one another.

When King Cross station came into view, their father parked and they grabbed their trunks, walking into the crowded location that they knew and loved so well.

The family started saying their goodbyes to each other, Iris pulling her older sister into an embrace.

"I'm going to miss you, Petunia." The strawberry blonde said, "I don't know if I can do this without you."

"I'm going to miss you too," Petunia muttered, still holding onto her sister, "I have faith in you, it's not misplaced, you can do this."

"It's going to be so hard," Iris' strong demeanour cracking, exposing how vulnerable she really was.

"You've got me, and your friends, Iris." The sister soothed, rubbing her sister's back, "We care for you, and Remus won't let you down."

"Be yourself, and just enjoy your time at that school." The sister continued, smiling when her sister nodded in agreement with her.

Iris huffed, pulling away from the embrace, grabbing her luggage. With one last glance at her family, she made her way onto the train, anxiety still bubbling in her chest.


As soon as she was sorted, the girl made her way onto the train, looking for a compartment.

Voices and laughter echoed in the hallway, and a genuine smile graced her lips as she realised who it was, her boys.

Walking towards them, it was Sirius who noticed her first, running up and embracing the girl, who unfortunately got the boy's hair in her mouth in the process.

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