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Word spread around Hogwarts lasting weeks, about Iris, people talking about her new found scars littering her body, that she tried so hard to cover, and the blossoming relationship forming between her and James, they weren't official, but they wer...

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Word spread around Hogwarts lasting weeks, about Iris, people talking about her new found scars littering her body, that she tried so hard to cover, and the blossoming relationship forming between her and James, they weren't official, but they were well on their way.

Most were baffled, they only ever heard the Potter boy rave about Iris' sister, Lily, but those closest knew the truth and knew it this had been coming along for a long time.

The two were seated in the library in their spare period before defence against the dark arts would begin. James sat beside the strawberry blonde, with his arm woven comfortably around her waist, whilst she read her book on potions, catching up on all the work she missed.

James smiled to himself, looking at the faint smile resting on the girls lips. They weren't official but oddly enough, being like this with her, was more comfortable than he ever had been with Lily. He felt at ease, and he loved it.

Iris smiled, feeling the boy's gaze on the side of her head. She turned to face him, and shook her head at the goofy smile on his face.

"Staring is rude, you know?" Iris muttered, kissing his check, "Besides, you have some studying to do too, James."

"I'm allowed to admire beautiful things, love." James offered, reaching for his text book.

"I don't know how you could admire me," Iris muttered sadly, rubbing her arms, "Those scars, they're hideous, they're ugly."

"They're not ugly love, they're no different to Remus', and you don't find his ugly." James sighed, caressing her cheek.

"That's different James, you know the boy had no choice in the matter." Iris argued, her insecurities bubbling in her chest.

"You had no choice either love," James sighed, kissing her temple lightly, knowing the small displays of affection made her feel slightly more at ease.

"I suppose so," The girl mumbled, her hand on James thigh.

James hummed in agreement, enjoying the girl's company.

"I need to ask," Iris bit her lip, "What happened between you and my sister?" James froze for a moment before looking at the girl.

"After everything that happened, well I guess before that happened, we were falling apart, and after you ended up the way you did, it was the final draw," James frowned, his eyes trailing, "I was angry about what happened to you, so I blamed her for it, and that's why I ended it."

"You blamed her?" Iris asked, shocked, not knowing the boy felt this way, "Why?"

"If she didn't drop that drink in your lap, you wouldn't have stormed out, and you wouldn't have been attacked." James mumbled, feeling guilty for how angry he was.

"James, that's ridiculous." Iris sighed, "I'm glad it happened to me."

The boy gave her a look of confusion, his mouth agape, as though he couldn't believe the words that left her mouth.

"I would rather it be me, than a younger student or anyone else." Iris smiled lightly, "That moment, it will always be with me, but, I came out of it alive, and that might not have been the case for someone else, so I'm glad it was me."

"Iris Marie Evans, you never cease to amaze me," The Gryffindor boy smiled, pride swelling in his chest, he knew she wasn't okay, not by a long shot, but with her heart, she could make it through anything.

"I try," Iris smiled, before kissing the boy dead on the mouth. Their lips moved in sync with one another, and James found himself melting into the kiss, but soon pulled away and looked at her in shock, "Be my boyfriend, James, what do we have to lose?" Iris asked lightly, needing the have the security of having the boy permanently in her life.

"Okay." James smiled, pecking her lips, "I'm more than okay with that."

The couple smiled at each other, and melted into each other's embrace, but were soon pulling apart, as an excited werewolf ran to their table.

"James! Iris! I have good news! This may be the best thing that's happened to me all year!" Iris smiled at Remus, who looked like he had won a million dollars, gesturing for him to continue.

"I think, I have a girlfriend." Remus smiled, his eyes shining in a way that Iris hadn't seen before.

James fell back off his chair and landed on the ground, everyone in the library starting at the trio.

"Moony! That's incredibly! Who's the lucky girl?" James beamed, patting his friend on the back.

Remus winced, causing the group to look in confusion.

"Well, she's in Slytherin." The boy started, and ignoring James protests, he continued, "She's so beautiful, James. She's got these gorgeous brown eyes. She's enchanting and she's so kind and genuine. I really care for her."

Iris smiled at him. "Rem, this is amazing! What's her name?" The girl hugging him briefly.

"Her name is Theresa, Theresa Lockwood." The boy smiled, happy that at least one of his friends approved of her origin.

"Oh, I've sat with her before in Herbology. She's lovely, Remus. I'm so happy for you!" James smiled at the exchange, knowing well that whoever she was, she made Remus very happy.

"Thank you guys, I really believe I'm smitten with her." The two genuinely at their friend.

Iris spoke up, once more, rubbing her arm. "So, what happened to liking Lily, if I may ask?" The smile on the boy's face faultering.

"Let's just say, Lillian wasn't the person, I thought she was." With a sad smile, he continued. "I learned that now, and it would never of worked. I'm just lucky to get a shot with Theresa."

Remus suddenly stopped talking, looking over to the other side of the library, he smiled. He said a quick goodbye to his friend, leaving them by themselves again and ran to meet Theresa who looked more than pleased to see him.

"Everything is finally falling into place." Iris beamed, grabbing her textbooks from the table, and smiling at James.

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