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The end of their sixth year had approached quickly, and the group could not be happier about it

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The end of their sixth year had approached quickly, and the group could not be happier about it. A majority of the year was spent in heartbreak, with accompanying tears, so the light at the end of the tunnel, was a blessing.

The black lake was where the group decided to spend their last day, along with Sirius' new girlfriend, who was in fact Marlene McKinnon.

The group was first surprised by the unlikely pairing, mainly based on the disgust the pair had for each other, but when they had become used to them new couple, it was clear that Marlene was who Sirius had needed for a while.

Iris was sat against a tree, with James arm resting comfortably around her torso, the girl couldn't help but snuggle closer to the boy, his body warmth being one of the best things about him.

A splash was heard, along with the couple being covered in droplets of cold water, they had looked up for see a soaked Sirius, who had been pushed into the lake by Marlene.

"You look a bit like a wet dog, mate." James laughed, causing Sirius to roll his eyes, and chuckled slightly.

"Such the charmer, aren't you Prongs?" The boy mocked before turning to address Iris. "Are you sure you want to be with this one? It's never too late, Iris."

"I'm quite sure that I'll be keeping this one around for a while." Iris mused, resting her head on the boy's shoulder, engaging his scent slightly.

"I'm starting to think I don't have a boyfriend." Marlene's warm voice broke out, causing Sirius to turn to her with a look of confusing, wearing a massive frown.

"Why would you say something like that, love?" Sirius quizzed, standing with distance between the pair, not wanting to get his girlfriend soaking wet.

"It's most likely because every time I go to see you, you're talking to Potter?"

"You say it like it's a bad thing, McKinnon." James scoffed, shaking his head slightly.

"Yeah love, you say it's a bad thing." Sirius nodded in agreement with James, just proving the girl's point further.

The girl had gave each other a knowing look, chuckling. It was impossible to break the bromance the boys had for each other.

"It's not a bad thing, but you boys are a bit obsessed with each other." James and Sirius looked each other up and down at each other.

Automatically, the pair both had the same response, it was like their minds were linked, on the same playing field.

"Have you seen this face. I don't blame him for being obsessed with me." Both boys looked at each other in shock, gasping when they realised that they had spoke in sync.

"Don't copy me." They both groaned, going to speak again.

"Seriously, cut it out." They took a breath and James gestured for Sirius to speak first.

"Don't use my name in vain, you bloody booger." James gasped, turning to his girlfriend, who looked very amused by the situation. 

"I'm afraid that I will be staying out of the one, love." Iris smiled, laughing when the boys face dropped in the slightest.

The banter was cut short when a gasp was herd from the werewolf friend of the group.

Iris looked up, and her mouth fell agape, seeing Teresa, the boy's girlfriend snogging with a Slytherin called, John Grey.

Iris pushed herself away from James, getting to her feet and standing beside her best friend, resting a cautious hand on his shoulder.

"Remus, are you alright?" The strawberry blonde spoke slowly. "We can leave if you'd like?" She felt the boy these under the hand she had rested on his shoulder, so she removed it swiftly.

Remus was in a trance like state. Words simple could not describe how utterly devastated he was. Happiness from a significant other was something the boy hardly was able to obtain, due to his condition and the insecurities that followed with it. He found happiness within someone unexpected, and that was Theresa. He hated that he fell for her chocolate brown eyes, and her doll like smile. He hated that he thought a monster like him could ever deserve someone like her, but as blinded as he was by his devotion to the girl, he had his eyes wide open, watching the scene in front of him.

He could hear his friends worried words around him but he couldn't move. He felt numb, every ounce of his body was in a pins-and-needles sensation.

Marlene was the first to react, pushing herself away from Sirius, storming over to the snogging pair, wanting nothing more than to rip her head from her shoulders.

"Hey!" Marlene spat, causing the pair to break apart, "Are you honestly that stupid, or did you not realise, that boy standing behind me right now, was willing to give you the world and you threw him away from a snake?" Her words grew harsher, the back of her throats burning from the sudden rising in volume.

Everyone had hoped it was some sick joke, perhaps a polyjuice potion in the works, but Remus knew it was her.

"The filthy half-breed, thought he could give me everything," Theresa voice croaked, spitting the words like acid, "I needed to give him a clear indicator, telling him that I found better, and I think I accomplished that." The girl laughed bitterly, sliding into Johns side.

"I can't believe how naive you are, sweetheart," The Slytherin girl called to him, "I used you as a past time and nothing more, did you honestly believe that someone like you, could stay with someone like me?"

If it were humanely possible, the werewolf would have shattered into a million pieces on the spot, the silence now washing over everyone, was like high pitch screaming in his ears, it was deafening and it was eating him up inside.

That single girl had not only tore him apart, but had confirmed every insecurity he has ever had, and found destroying him a fun pastime.

The Slytherin couple slid away, leaving the group in total silence until the boy had finally regained the ability to form a sentence.

"And to think, I actually thought I loved her." Were the only words that left his mouth, before they were taken along in the breeze, leaving as quickly as they came.

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