Chapter 22

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It seems to me like it's been forever since Mitch started driving until he finally pulls in front of a fancy-never-before-seen restaurant.

The exterior itself screams expensive and to be honest I'm not surprised, since well Jeremy is rich and his inheritance comes a little bit more from his parents side rather than his own entrepreneurship, hence Doreen Lawson is also rich.

The woman has been gripping my hand as if her life sorely depended on it. This got me wondering exactly why having dinner with me will be that exciting to her.

I mean I'm sure she has friends of some sort that she has dinner with every day, so there really isn't any need to squeal like a teenager because she is finally having dinner with one of her son's date.

But then again to her it's not like every day she gets to have dinner with one of her son's date, so maybe there is a need for her to be thrilled.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Mitch opens the door for me and I gladly get out. I stare the building again and once again I feel like an outcast.

The people entering the restaurant have on fancy expensive ,attires and even Doreen herself has on an autumn dress with auburn coloured cardigan, enhancing her youthful looks.

And then there is me in my waitressing clothes. Black trousers with a dark grey "Millie's" logo imprinted t-shirt certainly doesn't go well with an expensive restaurant.

No, this type of restaurant went well with clothes such as cocktail dresses and tuxedos.

I wait for Mitch to open the door for Doreen who seems to be in an animated conversation on her phone. From out here looking at her in the car, she looks like she's about to explode with excitement.

She talks for a few moments with whomever on the other line of the phone until she finally gets out.

She walks over to me and together we enter into the insanely prestigious restaurant.

She clasps her hands together as she walks over to the reservation reception.

I sigh as I wait for her but I don't wait too long because it seems like the reservation receptionists knows her and immediately she has a waiter at her side.

I catch the smile the receptionist gives to Doreen then for a slight moment her eyes dart to mine in a knowing glance.

That has me suspicious.

Surely.... No Leyla you're over- thinking.

I force myself to breathe in calmly and not think of the days I spent with Jeremy in one of the restaurants like this one. The waiter allocates us to a two-seater booth next to a window, where he instantly gives us the menu.

My suspicious flick again when I catch the glance Doreen gives to the waiter followed by a wink afterwards.

I clear my throat and that pulls her attention towards me. She gives me her famous grin, but then discreetly checks the time on her silver watch, she frowns slightly.

And so I begin by saying what has been nagging since Mitch stopped at this restaurant.

"Dory...I don't think I can afford the food... let alone even supposed to eat here, I mean look at me and look around, I don't belong."

She frowns at me for one fleeting moment. "Now I have no idea where that came from. Who says you will be paying for the food? And I cannot believe you'll let clothes and even status get to you, I didn't think you'd be self-conscious Leyla."

"Well its truth." I tell her.

"Who gives a flying floot, just because you don't have the necessities these kind of people who dine here have. In life Leyla, you can belong anywhere the hell you want. All you have to do is stop caring what society has to say because let's face it our society stinks anyway." She nibbles on a bread stick.

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