Vivaah sampan hua

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Rd was staring at her . Her giggles were soothing  his soul too. He went near her and hold her hand.
Rd: i'm sorry because of me you went through the rough night
She stops and see the concern and the unsaid feelings in his eyes.
S: it's ok rd. We never knew it was a trap and i believed him always because he was my friend and ruhi liked him a lot. I shouldn't have hurted him instead made him understand that love can't be forced.
Rd: yes
S: but how you came to know my location
Rd: why you always forget that i'm smart
S: yeah right
Rd: when I came out of the court bajaj words were ringing that he'll make me cry. Then rehaan and sameer out. I can't take risk with your life,you are the only one left whom I'm close to. So i kept a tracker in your bag for your safety.

Then his call and you leaving. I was going back to home ,i saw aryan doing the night patrol. Then i remembered ruhi is her cousin sis and he is bindass doing the duty. I went to him told that ruhi isn't well and she is with nishi.

We went to your friend nishi house to see neither ruhi and you were there. Then aryan called home and ruhi picked up the call saying she is perfect. I was tensed and guilty of my irresponsible behavior. I asked whom you 3 were close then nishi broke the secret of rehaan dating ruhi. Still my pea sized brain didn't think of tracker and i was cursing my fate.

Aryan told he'll search rehaan house but i knew he would have taken to another place. Then i just on my mobile to call you then the tracker came to my mind and then i got the address and saved you.

S: thanks rd for coming. You know they are monsters . Each of them wanted my....but the sight of my chacha made me weak. Why. I was running all over. I saw a vase and threw that it hit my rehaan and it irked him more. They were like predators they surrounded me and was going to pounce on me. I was...I was..wishing for you to be there. Then i found a gap and ran my bad luck they came there too. I saw knife and took that.

Rehaan foward his hand to pull of my veil I gave a bite to his hand,then sameer came i showed the knife they started laughing. Sameer I gave him cuts by knife and he backed out with pain and then i went to chacha and stabbed him.

Rd you know i killed my own chacha.

Rd: shhh let's forget these and start fresh
S:i need time
Rd: take yours.

Days passed and sanyu started attending her class. One day when rd came to home he saw aryan bike parked there. He went inside but no sign of aryan and sanyu. He was tensed and took steps to his room and halted with the voice of aryan.

A: i want to ...say...that..i just want to propose you for marriage
S: chee such a pathetic proposal I won't accept
Rd barged inside hearing that. Oh sorry I didn't know you 2 were here. How come aryan , you in my house
S: personal matter
Rd: i can see that.why is he proposing sanyu and I'm feeling restless. I should be happy then why I'm feeling like I'm hurt. In mind
A: sanyu pls accept nah
S: it properly then
Rd: I'll leave you 2
A: wait I'm going there's no luck
Rd: hmmm

Later when they were sleeping.
Rd: sanyu
S: ha
Rd: do you love someone
S: huh.are you mad
Rd: no i heard aryan proposing you and your rejection
S: oh know my friend nishi aryan loves her and wants to ask her out
Rd: haha
S: me why
Rd: then is he all set
S: no.he is buddhu like you in these
Rd: what.i know how to propose properly
S: i saw that the cake flowers
Rd: don't challenge me. I'll help aryan
S: no.maybe nishi won't say a yes after your training
Rd: let's see
S: whatever

Next day aryan was present at rd house. Rd was searching many quotes and memorized went to hall. Sanyu and maid was in the kitchen.

Rd: aryan first kneel down before the girl then smile to her. Buy a bouquet of her favourite flowers and give her . Then close your eyes and blurt it that you like her and wants to spend the life with her . Simple
A: thanks rd
S: bakwaas
Rd: love guru.wait I'll show you which is called proposal.
S: I don't want to be your experiment animal and turns to leave.
Rd goes to the table take the flowers from the vase and make her stop by holding her hand. He takes a deep breath and look at her and give a smile.

I'm not perfect neither you,we share only pain and we can be each other's medicine. We know the past of both,the present we are living,i want to make the future bright with you beside me.

I can't change the past,i can just erase your nightmares with sweet dreams in my embrace. I'm not romantic nor believe in love ,still I gave my heart to you. Just take care of it like i did because i don't have a heart but you have two.

Aryan and sanyu was stunned.
S: rd you
Rd: answer
S: nice proposal
Rd: not that your answer for my proposal
S: i...i...don't know what to say . I just want to say I'm lucky with you by my side and yes i do.
Rd: really you do
S: smiles yes.this will be the answer of nishi
Aryan thanks a lot both of you. Aryan calls nishi to a restaurant. There was romantic song playing and he sees her.
A: kneels down. I've been thinking how to express my feelings to you. Today i know there's no need of words when you know my heart beats for just one and that's you. And he looks with hopeful eyes to her.

She smiles and he takes her hand and make her wear the ring.

Nishi calls her friends and give the news of being officially engaged to aryan. All congratulate the duo.

The love birds enjoy their life . Rd was genuine when he proposed to sanyu ,she took it as a help from their side to aryan.

One day nishi called sanyu crying that her parents have fixed her marriage with their friend's son and she can't say no to them nor break her relationship with aryan.

Rd,sanyu along with aryan and ruhi was thinking of a plan.
Rd: register marriage
S: no temple
Rd: why you always oppose my ideas
S: because you don't think
Rd: huh
S: marriage is every girl's dream and when is it with her love then it should be a fairytale one
Rd: sanyu baba ki jai ho.
S: me and ruhi will bring the bride.rd pandit and all other arrangements .aryan dress and come straight there.

After they left rd comes to sanyu. Don't be sad you too will get love and happy married life with your love.
S: I'm...I'm impure and no one will accept me the way I'm and goes
Rd: I promise I'll make you live again

The marriage day came all were present.
A: i need to use washroom
Rd: now
A: yeah.
Rd: let this wedding get over
A: no I'm scared
N: sanyu I'm hurting my parents.they'll disown me
S: then forget aryan
N: i can't do that.I'm afraid
A: let's postpone
Rd: are you alright
Pandit: mala,mangalsutra and kumkum

Ruhi gives the items. Rd and sanyu pulls both aryan and nishi they weren't agreeing.
Rd: stop this drama both and get married
A: can't .i'm nervous
Rd: there's nothing to be .

Rd pulls sanyu with him. Make her sit
Rd: 1st step so simple and the pandit mantra. And pandit starts to chant. Then take this mangalsutra tie around and he make sanyu wear. When nishi and ruhi was going to interrupt aryan stopped them.

Rd took a pinch of vermilion then put the garland took her hand and started taking pheras.

Pandit: vivaah sampana hua
Rd: see it's easy
Pandit: aap pati patni ban gayae
Rd: who. Bride and groom are there
The 3 shouted rd you are married to sanyu.

Rd gets shock and turn to see sanyu.

So thank you guys for loving my story and my new story part I'll post today by 12 or tomorrow. Name is exchanged hubby 2.

And for the 1st time I'm going to promote my ss in love with a widow. Those who haven't read please give a try to that.

I'll post babysitter 3 tomorrow.

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