Chapter 10: From winning.

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Lesson I learnt after winning

So, like most of the people reading this know about my recent win of stage two in The Quest by Unilever.

I'd like to share my experience with you.

You see, many people say it's the participation that matters and not winning.

I don't think that's true or maybe some wise person made that up to give sympathy to the people who comes second.

Indeed participation is important because you believe you have the thing that can make you win the competition. Amongst those people who haven't participated. But winning is a whole different story.

You see it's about your mindset. Your believe. Your capabilities. The same water that hardens the egg, softens the potato. You see, it's all about belief. If you can think about it. YOU CAN DO IT. 

Believe me. If I would have given up on thinking that I have to reach nowhere by doing this. I wouldn't have won a huge thing. I believed I could do it and so I did.

Winning has opened my horizons and expanded my belief on myself. Progressed my capabilities.

You know what? What happens when you fall?
Someone lends you a helping hand. Someone speaks kind words to you. Someone encourages you to get up. But if you sit and cry over the bruises on your knee. No one. No word. No action can help in getting yourself up from the ground. Unless and until you yourself put effort in standing up. Nothing will help. So whatever change you wish to have within yourself. Whatever you want to become. It all starts with you.

Why did Mahatma Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

You give advices to people. You are there for them when they feel low. You are ready to listen when their heart cries. But who is going to be there for you? Who is going to love you if you can't love yourself.

So, that's why it's really really important that you build up your self esteem by yourself. Change your mindset. And look at the world eye to eye. If you believe you can do it. Little by little but you will in the end reach the highest peak.

Always remember this, a toddler, when he is trying to walk he stumbles and falls multiple times until he is able to walk properly and then dance.

So be it little by little. Effort is an  effort. Your every little step counts in you making a better version of yourself.

Do whatever you can think of doing but please. Never underestimate yourself in what you can achieve. Never give up on yourself.

Until next time.

Take care


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