Chapter 6: From clowns.

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Lesson I learnt from clowns.

From clown what I mean is, people who make everyone laugh with their humour


We sat together laughing about things like we always used to do. We recollected memories that had our stomach aching with laughter. It was always fun to have your company. You made me laugh on days when I didn't even feel like smiling. I always thought a person like you might have no worries and that you live life king size. Then suddenly, you stopped laughing and paused to wipe a tear that rolled down your cheek. For a moment, I thought it was because we were laughing very hard. But then your muffles started growing and within a few moments you started crying hard,covering your face with your hands and pulling up your legs close to your chest. Perplexed, I asked you what happened and what was wrong.

For a second, I reevaluated everything I said in meanwhile, thinking maybe something I might have said that made you feel bad. I kept asking you what's wrong, my heart kept thumping against my chest very loud. Because, I never saw you cry so bad. I urged you to say me what was bothering you and then you looked up to me with blood shot red eyes and hoarse voice you spoke, "I cried because in past days I forgot what was like to laugh without any fear of what has to come my way and I feared this moment would just go and I would go back to being how distressed I was".

It was only then that I realised how much people can hide behind their beautiful smiles. How much the loudest of laugh masks their silent cries. How much a person who can make other laugh can also weep. How much a person who tries to save everyone needs someone to save  them as well

And then I hugged you, I wrapped you tightly in my arms. My tongue felt heavy and I was blank with no comforting words coming out of my mouth. I shut my eyes closed and prayed silently for your happiness. In that moment, I swear I would have done anything in my power to remove all the things that has caused you so much pain. Because, I knew and I strongly believed a person who had been my savior might need saving too and should be protected from any kind of harm.

And I wanted to become your savior. In that moment, I wanted to save you, protect you, sheild you from anything that caused such a beautiful soul like you to dismay.

I ran my hands up and down your back and then you assured me that you felt relaxed. To which I said, I'll always be there for you no matter what and I mean it with all  my heart and soul. You smiled and I felt all the burden lifted off my shoulders as if the scorching sun set and the rain started pouring lightly in small drops. Your smile was everything that I needed that day to assure myself that I was keeping my promise with myself. And then, you said me those words I couldn't have imagine listening it this way. You looked me into my eyes and said, "I love you, I'm sorry that it took me so long to realise. But, Oh god. I love you with every beat of my heart. And, I mean it"


I don't want to specify who is "I" and who is "You"
I just want to illustrate a fact through this story. You can either take it from a girl's perspective or a guy. Either way.

Until next time.
Take care.


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