Chapter 4: From Love.

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Lessons I learnt from love.

P.S: I hope you read this. I really wish you read this.

When I say 'you' I don't refer to a specific person.
I'm referring to every individual out there reading this.

Let me ask you a question.
When you say you're in love. Are you really in love or in love with the idea of being in love?
The idea of being in love is simple- you are romanticizing love you know?
Like when you see couples around you. Your heart aches for that kind of affection. And, you want that for yourself as well. That's my friends.
That's what I call 'idea of being in love'.
You just have an idea of how love feels like, when to be honest love is far more than just that.

When you love someone you should be in love with the reality that comes along with that person.
But that's not many people consider these days.
Just because you crave affection. You think everything is butterflies and roses. And when you are given thorns, you are heartbroken. It's pretty sad how we think it's love when it's really not.

When you fall in love with someone that has to be real. That has to be knowing after how someone deals with slow internet connection or a weeping toddler. How impatient they are and how they manage stress. Everything as a package comes along. And always remember this:

If you claim to be in love with someone after seeing how sweet they are to you and only you. Even then, it's not LOVE!.


1. We all try to showcase the best versions of ourselves isn't it? Do you get angry on someone who spilled coffee over you on the first day you met? Obviously no! Because you know they didn't do it intentionally and you can't just show who you are with someone you just met.
Just met. I'm emphasising on this because that's how it is these days. You just met a person online or maybe in person and you think it's love. Why? Because of the solely reason that he/she was being incredibly sweet to you.

Author's note: What nonsense man!

2. You know nothing about them.
Well, be practical! Alright?
You say looks don't matter. -Alright fine it shouldn't.
You say money doesn't matter- Okay.
You say it's only love that you seek. -Nonsense.

You get me? Looks doesn't matter? Yes it shouldn't.  But are you really into believing that? Haha please stop this bluffing.

Money doesn't matter? Okay probably you don't seek rich people but seriously? How is he going to financially support you if he is not having any sort of income? Money does matter. I repeat! Be practical. Money matters to the point where you can have or afford a decent standard of living. That's it.

It's only love you seek? Seriously? What nonsense!!
You are basically telling me that it's only love that you want and nothing to eat?
Because that's how I'm going to take that as.
I repeat again. Be practical! You can't survive on just love that he/she has to offer you. If you are thinking of long term into it. You need to think of the future as well. You have to. Have to think about this that, whether this person that you are thinking of building a future capable of being a parent too.
Your children are going to learn from you and them.
If the foundation itself is going to be weak. How in the world the building going to be strong?

I observed people around me. People that claim to be in love and people who are really in love.

People who claim to be in love get heartbrokem and all sad and suicidal as well when the reality kicks in.
Whereas people in love have known to love even after the reality kicked in. By that, I don't mean to say that you've to keep suffering. What I mean is, they know people have their own imperfections. They know life isn't a romantic fairytale. They found their own romance and love within the struggles and arguments.

But, you don't see that. What you don't see is how the couple who is seeming all happy today is just trying to make up for the heated argument they had last night. What you don't see is what comes along with feeling all the love.

Atlast, love is a beautiful feeling. Indeed it is. It is beautiful roses along with thorns. It's heated like summer. As warm as fall. It's cold as winter and as serene as raindrops. As pretty as spring and as dreaded as droughts.

Stay safe, be practical and don't be an emotional fool.

Until next time.
Take care.


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