Chapter 9: From Him.

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Lessons I learnt from him

What I learnt from him is to be loyal. Be kind and be capable enough to be trusted. He was my mentor. My ideal and undoubtedly my super-hero.

I can't describe in ways how he has impacted my life. He was nothing but a blessing to me. And I am glad to be known by his name. He taught me moral ethics. And he told me that no matter what you do in life. Always remember this that god is watching. That, anything you do in life will come back to you. And a trait I have learned from him is to respect people of lower status. They are also human beings. They have feelings too.

My father was a gem of a man. And I'm not saying this because I am his daughter. But, because of what people keep telling about him even after he is no more..

A lady in my neighbourhood came for the funeral after his death and she kept on crying as if someone close to her has died. At first we thought it's maybe because she is feeling empathetic towards us. But, later she said about how her husband once needed a car to drop his kids to school. And my father without giving a second thought handed him the keys. And she went on to me like, "Who in this world these days turn out to help someone they merely know"

And I couldn't help but feel proud that He is my father.

My father helped many people like this and we didn't even know.. it was only after his death that people cried for him, saying such a genuine man is no longer with us. They kept telling us to how  He has touched their hearts by his kindness. A trait I learnt from him.

One day during the start of early 2016.

I was supposed to refill my car with petrol. I forgot and went to university because the petrol was enough.

When I was returning from University I had this in my mind that I have to refill my car. So after coming out of University I went to the nearest filling station and in my mind I remembered the amount of money to be given for the petrol I want.

I instructed him the amount and when the time came for me to to give him the money. I was only having half of the amount.

I don't know how to change the currency so just take it from my country's currency.

I instructed him to refill 2BD (Bahraini Dinar) petrol and I had only 1 BD.

I thought I had 2BD and before even I could tell him to refill for only 1BD. He filled my tank with 2. I asked him if I can pay later or the other day. And for some reason He believed me. He didn't note my car's number neither took any guarantee from me that I'd return the money.

I'd have fled from there and never returned to give his money but something that my father taught me remained with me. He taught me that I can escape from people, from the cctv cameras. But, I won't be able to escape from my lord and because of that, the other day I went to him and reminded him that
I told him that I'd give him back the remaining money. So he was astonished and very impressed that I gave him my word and was loyal to get back.

He blessed me that day those words I've remembered for the rest of the year of 2016 and I'll remember for the rest of my life.

He said me, "Stay honest and loyal and your year ahead will be awesome"

And If I say it the actual way he said me in urdu it's "Aisey hi imandar raho, naya saal acha guzrega"

I was so happy that day. And now by the end of the year of 2016. If I be selfish and just see myself. I would say 2016 was the best year of my entire life and existence. But, around the world I see people getting frustrated about how 2016 has come out. And I don't deny that. I really don't deny that people around the world are so frustrated and sad and depressed. Maybe because they haven't lived 2016 to the fullest. Or whatever reasons. But, my 2016. I don't mean my family's 2016 as well. I'm focusing on just me. My 2016 that is, the 19th year of my life was absolutely amazing!
2016 has taught me that, kindness and appreciation never gets wasted.

I was kind to him and he appreciated that. And thus, it made my 2016. It was the best year. I got my phone upgraded from Grand 2 to S7 edge. (LOL)
But, in actual It was more like I discovered myself. I discovered my self worth. My abilities. I participated in several competitions and got a certificate. I wrote a book and it's been loved by thousands of people around the globe. It's like, more of, I was no one before 2016. And as this year is ending. I'm myself. I'm Maria Shaikh Haneef. D/o  Shaikh Haneef.

And I'm so proud of myself for where I have reached.

And if I wouldn't have learned this ettiquete from my father, I would have been no where.

Until next time,
Take care.

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