Chapter 8: From a hoverboard.

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Lessons I learnt from a hoverboard.

Okay, so I tried the hoverboard. That very hoverboard which is now the latest kind of skateboard. And as usual I was so excited to show people I did it. I uploaded it on Snapchat. Someone asked me how did you balance.

Truth to be told. It is as easy a piece of cake. Trust me, I'm not bluffing. I can't balance myself on skate shoes. How can you expect me to balance on that hoverboard. But, yeah once you stand on your feet on that board. The idea to keep moving forward is little tricky and I'm going to tell you what is it. I don't really want to know if you'd believe me or not. But, I hope I can make you believe till the end of this chapter and that's why I am writing this out today.

So, at first when I stood on this board. I needed support to stand straight. Keeping a hand on my sister's shoulder. I stood straight. Alright.

First step taken. And as I stood. I didn't know what to do because the hoverboard won't move at all. It wasn't moving forward and I was like, what do I do? I started working on my knees. Did some stupid gestures so that I move forward but rather I started spinning in circles. Round and round.

That was it. I left that board after spinning because that was not mine.

The other day I got to experience it one more time. This time I was determined to get the trick to move forward. Note this. That, I wanted to experience how it is. I wanted to balance myself. I had the WILL POWER saying me, "C'mon Maria. It's just a hoverboard"

The guy who owned it, I asked him how do you move forward. And to my surprise he said, "You just have to stand or balance yourself straight. Look ahead and think of the direction where you want to go and it will take you"

LOL. Exactly. That meh look you have right now after reading that line even I gave him the same look. As if he was kidding me. How can i just think and it has to move? Lol. It might be just some kind of physics I assumed. So, anyways I stood and balanced myself like I always do.

I started spinning again. I rolled my eyes and said him, "I wasn't thinking of spinning in circles then how am I doing that?"

He said, "Because you are scared"

I was blank. He then said, "Look ahead and not to your feet. So I did. And then he said now think. And because again I gave that same 'Are you serious' look, he said me to give a try. And I was like, sure let me see if that's really the case.

I stood once again. Looked ahead. And then I thought of moving forward. And. Guess what?





And, that's how in just one moment I felt like I was given wings to fly. It was amazing. Amazing experience.

I enjoyed it so much. So now, you'd be probably thinking what lesson I learnt in this.

Let me put up one of the Hotel Transylvania *ignore if the spelling is wrong* dialogue.

"What if I fall?"
"Oh, but Darling, What if you fly?"

Did something clicked?

I was afraid first that I would fall. But, as soon as I removed that thought that I would actually fall. I started to fly. That's what I learnt.

I learnt that,

1. If you have a strong will power to achieve something you can achieve it. The saying that says, "When there's a will there's a way" is actually 100000% true. I shall give the details about that, in some other chapter so as to why do I believe it to be true. So yea. When you can think of it. You can really achieve it.

2. It's really really important to do what you love. Seriously, if you wish to do what you love that passion to achieving it comes naturally. You know.. like suppose you take part in a competition. If you love taking part in competitions, you'll know how much effort you put up in achieving the first prize. If this isn't the best way to put it up then let me tell you one thing. When you do what you love. You enjoy and become oblivious to what's happening around you. Yes. You don't feel sick of doing what you love. Here'a another example. I love writing. I love it. I have no pain while typing out 7000 or even 8000 words when I write a chapter of my book but, I feel sick to do that if I were given a report to do with even less amount of words. You see? To love what we do or to do what we love is really really important. When I tried the hoverboard even when i failed once. I tried once more because I had the passionate feeling of riding that  and so I did and when I did it, I was in a public place where everyone was seeing me. I DIDN'T CARE  AS LONG AS I ENJOYED. HAHA

3. If you believe, you can fly. By that, I don't literally mean fly. It's like more of 'Just think and you can do it' that kind of thing. Like here, in this situation. I was asked to think. Just think. And I wasn't taking that seriously. But, when I did, it gave me the feeling of as if I was flying. And I took it as, it's all within us on how we keep discouraging ourselves. We can't achieve something not because it's out of reach. But, because we are not passionate about achieving it. And if we are, then the ways to achieving it becomes easy. For instance, (LOL I love giving examples of my theory)  Suppose you had to reach for something that's kept somewhere very high. Like, suppose above your cupboard or some shelf. Alright? And you had to take something that's kept there. Now, if you really really, desperately needed that thing, you'd try to find enumerous ways to reach that place. Isn't it? Whether it's a ladder or it's a table that you require. You search for them and then reach it to get what you really want. Likewise, you won't put any effort if the thing that's above there isn't much of that importance to you. Now do you get it? Why do we fail or manage to pass in our examinations? Not because we are lazy to study but because, we aren't really passionate about achieving an A grade or even studying. Well, nobody likes exams and studying but, if you chose a subject that's your favorite. You don't even know where you are putting efforts because all the time you are enjoying and loving doing it. That's why it doesn't look tiring.

So.. that's what a single hoverboard taught me.

Pretty amazing isn't it?

Until next time.

Take care


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