Chapter Fifteen.

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Jake stormed out, leaving the glass scattered on the floor, Leanne breathed deeply and slammed her hand on the kitchen side; I could tell she was preparing herself for an argument with Jake because, yet again, he wasn't following her rules, it was an uphill battle between him and Leanne and I could see from Leanne's face that she was struggling to fight back anymore, he was starting to wear her out. I sighed; this was all snowballing out of control.

Leanne stormed out of the kitchen, taking care to not stand on the sharp shards of glass that were left on the tiles.

"Jake! What have I just told you?" Leanne screeched.

"Nothing," Jake replied calmly.

"I told you that I need a word with you!" she shouted. "I need to speak to you IN PRIVATE, meaning that your friends have to leave!"

"For fuck sake," Jake moaned.

"Don't use that language with me! Get in that kitchen and clean up that glass, NOW!"

"Alright, alright fucking hell woman!" he groaned, dragging his feet across the floor towards the kitchen, he huffed and picked up a dust pan and brush to sweep up the glass and put it safely into the bin. Jake caught glimpse of me and looked away straight after. I sighed.

"Look, I know you're upset with me, but please? Let it drop?" I asked. Jake chuckled to himself.

"You're expecting me to pretend that you didn't attempt to kill Tara?" he asked. I shook my head.

“I didn't attempt to do anything; I stopped myself before it got too serious!" I protested.

"Well what would have happened if you didn't stop yourself?" Jake snarled.

I shrugged. Shit! He had a point!

"Exactly," he said.

"But the point is, I did stop myself before it went too far," I protested. Jake shook his head.

"That means nothing to me Sapphire. Just because you stopped it from going too far doesn't dismiss the fact that you did it in the first place," he answered.

I sighed.

"Sorry but I think its best you all leave, except for Rhys," Leanne called out; this was followed by a few hung over groans.

"I just need to get something out of the kitchen!" Tara replied.

"Well hurry up then! And careful, there's glass on the floor!" Leanne groaned.

Tara nodded and rushed into the kitchen to see Jake on his knees on the floor, sweeping up glass and scraping it into the bin and also to see me almost in tears at the table. Ant followed Tara into the kitchen and shook his head; he walked over to me and gave me a tight hug, kissing my head.

Ant walked off, turning at the door to give me a cheeky wink, before grabbing his jacket off of the side and walking out of the front door. I sighed; Jake just looked up at me and scowled.

"Save the dirty looks," I sighed.

"Why should I? You're the reason we're in this mess," he snapped.

"How do you work that one out Jake? Just because I had an argument with Tara and it went out of control? I apologized and she accepted my apology, so maybe so should you. Just drop it, you're not the Jake I knew before," I snapped.

"Oh get a grip, not everything is about you!" Jake argued and stormed out.


"Fuck you!" Jake replied stomping up the stairs and towards a room, he slammed his bedroom door behind him, this was followed by bangs and thuds coming from inside his room.

Leanne sighed.

"Please Tara, can you leave us, so I can sort this out," Leanne asked, walking towards the front door to open it for Tara. Tara nodded nervously and left the kitchen with her coat which was left on the back of one of the chairs.

"Yes, that's fine. Thanks for letting me stay," she replied.

Leanne smiled.

"No problem," she replied. “Saph, you might as well go into the living room. Rhys is the only one in there,”

I nodded and got up; I wiped a few tears away before braving facing Rhys. "Bye," Tara said. "See ya soon Sapphire," Tara waved and walked out of the door.

"Bye," I called out.

The door closed gently behind her. Leanne pressed her back against the front door and sighed, I walked out of the kitchen to stand with her, I could see her lips trembling and her eyes started to tear up. I could tell that Leanne had been strong for so long and now it was just getting too much for her to handle. I put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed her gently, trying to comfort her; she sniffed and looked at me, then sighed again. A tear began to fall down her face, it trickled down the end of her nose and dripped down onto her top lip, she brushed it away with the sleeve of her cardigan.

She took a deep breath in and wiped away some lines of mascara off of her cheek.

"I better go sort out my son," she sighed. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Good luck," I replied. "I'm sorry,"

Leanne gave me a weak smile and then the smile faded.

"Why are you sorry?" she asked.

"If I hadn't had an outburst, Jake wouldn't be in a bad mood, then he wouldn't have taken it out on you," I replied. Leanne shook her head and chuckled slightly.

"Don't be silly," she replied.

"I'm being serious," I sighed, she shook her head again.

"Jake gets angry at anything and everything, as you already know, so don't blame yourself for it," she comforted.

"If you say so," I replied, sticking my tongue out as she begins to walk up the stairs to Jake's room.

There was a slight feeling of guilt in the bottom of my stomach, if I had kept my cool none of this would have happened. Leanne would not have to walk up the stairs to Jake's room to sort him and his temper out. I knew full well that I was to blame; Leanne was just too polite and kind to admit it.

I walked into the living room nervously.

“Hey,” I croaked. Rhys smiled at me; this was the first smile I had from him since all of this drama started.

“Hello you,” he replied.

“Do you forgive me then?” I asked, scared of the response. Rhys nodded. I sighed in relief.

“Oh thank you so much Rhys,” I said happily, charging into his arms and hugging him tightly. “I thought I’d lost you,”

He kissed my forehead.

“I’m not going to lie to you, you almost did,” he said grimly, the smile fell off my face. “But… Ant and I were talking and he told me some of the times you’ve helped others and that you had a heart of gold and I believed him. He told me that leaving you would be one big mistake and I realised he was telling the truth. He reminded me that I was going to be a dad soon and leaving you would make it harder for me to see the child. He opened up my eyes and I'm sorry that I even thought about leaving you but you did disappoint me, I don’t like violence especially when you're pregnant. I should have stopped you drinking last night too,”

I looked down at the ground.

“I’m not very responsible am I?” I asked. He shook his head.

“From now on I will help you to make decisions as you seem shocking at making them yourself,” he teased. I nodded. “Come on; let’s cuddle on the sofa for a little while whilst Leanne sorts Jake out,”

Rhys jumped onto the sofa and I followed, he wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me tightly. I think this made us both realise how much we needed each other, Ant’s words had really hit home to Rhys and he realised what he had and I realised that I could have lost everything because of how stupid I was. I was lucky that he even forgave me, now to just hope that Leanne sorts Jake out so that everything could get back on track once again.

One night, one too many, one boy... one mistake.Where stories live. Discover now