Chapter 11: Sacrifice

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     At an undisclosed location, it is night and pouring fast. Blofeld grabs some treats from a bag and feeds them to Trudi the cat. A SPECTRE member walks in.
"Sir, we have just received word that Brummer has successfully wiped out Mark Turso and Eric Byer." Blofeld finishes feeding his cat.
"An unfortunate but necessary sacrifice for our cause. We are fortunate that their services were no longer required. What of Jason Bourne?" The man nods in denial. Blofeld leads the man out and they go for a walk. They eventually reach a training arena. Blofeld turns to his SPECTRE loyalist. "These men will change the world for the better. Their enhanced skills, abilities, intellect, and physicality will become the only thing we need to shape the world the way it was meant to be. We will soon find Jason Bourne and he will lead the new weapons." They reach a laboratory and see over a dozen men being injected serums and talking to the scientists working there. "The world will soon be in the palm of our hands. Men like James Bond will kneel before the new order, before SPECTRE, before me. With men like this, the whole world will bow before us." They admire the super spies and their work. Meanwhile, back at MI6, Bond returns. Q notices him walk in.
"Where the bloody hell have you been?" He asks Bond.
"Playing dead," Bond responds humorously. M bursts out of his office.
"Again? I just had to explain to the commissioner of the NYPD why an MI6 agent was unconscious, handcuffed, and lying on the ground! I had to convince him to destroy any evidence and any proof that puts you in New York!" M yells at him. Bond looks at him in shame. 

"You told me to go in alone with no backup," Bond pleads.

"Yet you managed to get yourself beat up and humiliated by Bourne, yet again!" M pleads back in anger.

"Forgive me, sir," Bond responds. M relaxes a bit. Everyone in the room is silent and staring at the two. 

"The United States President wants us to solve this case as quickly as possible, but your idiocracy has cost us too much time, which we have very little of, so I suggest you get your bloody act together and bring me Jason Bourne!" M finishes his rant. 

"Yes, sir." Bond looks humiliated, something he has not felt in a long time. 

"The Queen gave us the go ahead for the Blackstone mission. We have every bloody thing in place. The men, the correct information, and the plan. In case you weren't told, Blofeld has created a unit of super soldiers. If we want any chance of burning SPECTRE to the ground, along with their lab rats, we need Bourne on our side. He's not just our information provider, he's a potential and very strong ally. We need him at MI6. Bring him in." M finishes.

"Will do, sir," Bond responds. M takes a quick look around and goes back into his office. Bond turns to look at Moneypenny, who is looking back at him with sympathy. In the meantime, Bourne stands behind a window on the top floor of a building right across an apartment building. He makes a phone call and connects the call to his ear piece. He sees Pamela Landy pick up the phone while in her apartment.

"Pamela Landy."

"This is Jason Bourne." 

"Bourne?" She looks out the window. "It's been a long time."

"I have some news you might want to hear. But, first, I need to know something." 

"What is it you want to know?" Landy sits down on her couch. 

"Outcome. Did you know about it?" Bourne asks as he uses a mini scope to get a better view of her.

"There were rumors of it. I knew the NRAG had more Beta programs." 

"It was real up until you leaked the files. They altered their subjects' chromosomes, made them more powerful than any human being." 

"Who was heading the program?" 

"Eric Byer, the head of the NRAG." 

"The U.S. Air Force Colonel?" 

"Former." He puts down the scope.

"Do you know where he is now?"

"In a grave." 

"So it's over?" 

"Not quite. An organization by the name of SPECTRE took control of the Beta projects. They have an army." 

"Oh my god." Landy looks shocked.

"I don't want you to worry about it, I just wanted you to know." 

"Thank you for the update, David," Landy says to him. Bourne looks down at himself.

"That's not who I am anymore." 

"You can be. Why not run away from this?" Landy looks concerned. Bourne ignores her question.

"I have to go now." He gets one final look at her. "Get some rest, Pam, you look tired." He heads to the exit of the roof. Landy looks out the window and realizes Bourne was watching her, just like the old days. She smiles and heads towards her bedroom. Bourne exits the building and joins the New York City crowd. He takes his phone out and makes a call. "Nicky, it's me. I'm on my way back. We should leave soon. He then switches off his phone and continues walking.

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now