Chapter 14: Sociopath

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     It is the day immediately following the brawl between James Bond and Jason Bourne. The raindrops have stopped falling, but the tar black clouds still reign in the sky. The two agents are at the MI6 headquarters, sitting outside M's office, waiting for a debriefing. They don't look at each other eye to eye. Bourne obviously does not want to be there, while Bond is having flashbacks to his moments with Madeleine Swann. Suddenly, M opens the door and welcomes them into his office. They sit down as M puts some files away. M sits down.

"So, Jason Bourne. We are all honored to have a man of your talents and skills with us, on our side," M says, trying to show respect and honor.

"Thank you, sir," Bourne responds, trying to respect to his temporary new boss.

"Well, let's get right down to the point. SPECTRE is still strong and growing stronger. We have received countless reports that Blofeld, the organization's leader, is building a small army of Beta agents, as the NRAG termed them. As of now, we are awaiting reports on their main headquarters," M finishes. Bond looks at Bourne.

"I assume you have a plan, sir?" Bourne asks him.

"We're calling it Operation Blackstone. We work with the army, they will lend us a few small but highly efficient teams to help us attack the main base from all sides. We take out the leader, destroy any existing Beta programs and research, and burn the place to the ground," M answers.

"What about Nicky Parsons? She was taken by them," Bourne pleads.

"She will be rescued, don't worry. Once she is rescued, we will arrange transport for her to go back to the States," M responds.

"With me," Bourne pleads back.

"I'm afraid we can't do that."

"Why the hell not?"

"You're a wanted man, Mr. Bourne. Despite your achievements and excellent track record, you were working under an illegal program, which you also exposed. Not only is the FBI on your arse, but so is the CIA," M explains.

"Please, I need to be with Nicky. I finally remember who I am and, once this is all over, I can finally choose to live a normal life. She is all I have left in this world," Bourne explains.

"Sentimental words for a man like Jason Bourne," Bond adds in. Bourne gives him a look.

"I'll see what I can do, but no promises," M says to Bourne. Bourne settles down and gives a nod of approval. M shows Bourne out while signaling Bond to stay. Bourne leaves peacefully.

"Do you think he is on board?" M asks Bond.

"Love can be a powerful motivator, just ask Ernst Blofeld," Bond responds.

"With Madeleine Swann, it was different. You knew where to look. We don't know where Blofeld is based. Our asset only has access to SPECTRE's technological base, not their main base of operations, where I believe Blofeld and Parsons are located." Bond looks worried as M finishes explaining their current complication.

"My team and I are doing are best with our sources and contacts. We'll find them," Bond responds. M nods in approval and Bond leaves. As Bond leaves, he sees Bourne waiting outside.

"Anything?" Bourne asks him.

"No luck," Bond tells him. Bourne grows even more worried and stressed. He has a flash of Nicky from recent events. "But we're doing everything that we can." Later that day, Bourne and Bond are at a shooting range inside the headquarters. Bourne watches as Bond fires an entire round at a target board. He hands Bourne the gun. Bourne reloads the gun and aims at the target. Suddenly, he has flashes of his time with Treadstone. He has flashes of every target he has executed. He then snaps back into reality.

"Everything alright?" Bond asks him. Bourne ignores the question and fires all of his rounds at the head of the target board. "You're not very talkative, are you?" Bond then asks.

"I don't belong here. I've always worked alone and I've always completed the mission on my own," Bourne explains calmly.

"With your help, we can-"

"With my help?" Bourne laughs. "When MI6 has a repulsive sociopath like yourself, I think they'll be just fine without me."

"Pardon me?" Bond asks.

"Ever look at yourself in the mirror, James? From what I hear around here, you're an imperialist who kills people and probably enjoys it."

"Excuse me-"

"And it seems the government the doesn't give two shits about your destructive behavior while you kill people with no regard for public safety. No regard for civil rights, even." He chuckles. "And they want you to lead Blackstone, right?" Bourne nods in disapproval.

"Watch your-" Bond tries to add.

"And let's not forget the fact you're a misogynist man-"

"I'm not a -"

"A misogynist man who only views women as objects you can get into bed with and use to get what you want." As Bourne finishes his argument, Bond gives him an angry stare. "But sure, do what you want. All I want is for Nicky to come back, safe and sound. If I can't change your boss's mind about having a man like you lead the charge, so be it." He walks out of the room. Bond stands there humiliated. Meanwhile, at the SPECTRE main headquarters, Nicky awakes tied to a charge and with her mouth duct-taped shut. She's in a completely empty room with one very dim light. Blofeld and Brummer walk into the room.

"I asked you to bring me Jason Bourne and you brought me something even better," Blofeld walks up to Nicky and leans towards her, bringing them face to face. "Bait."

"She was alone when we found her," Brummer says to him.

"I see," Blofeld stands up straight and turns to Brummer. "Give us a moment, will you?" Brummer nods and leaves the room. Blofeld turns to Nicky again and cracks a smile. He chuckles. "What does he see in you?" Blofeld asks her. Nicky just looks at him, scared but angry. "He doesn't seem too keen on looks, unlike my brother, James." Blofeld finishes. He walks up to Nicky and forcibly removes the duct tape off of her mouth. Nicky breathes heavy and looks terrified.

"What the fuck do you want with Bourne?" Nicky asks him.

"He is a weapon, and we have more weapons like him here," Blofeld answers.

"You want him to lead?" Nicky questions him with disgust. Blofeld chuckles.

"Exactly. I want him to lead my weapons of mass destruction into war. We will strip democracy of its power and bring forth the new world."

"The new world?" Nicky asks him. Blofeld chuckles.

"I see a world that exchanges freedom for security. Why have freedom when you can have more protection and truly feel safe in a harsh world? I see enforcers patrolling the streets, eyes in the air and on the ground watching every move made by everyone, and myself leading the world." Blofeld finishes.

"Sounds like a cold world," Nicky says. She looks frightened.

"Perhaps. And maybe it's for the better," Blofeld adds as he chuckles.

"You're psychotic. Sick and crazy," Nicky spills.

"Psychotic? No, I prefer realistic," he says as he tapes her mouth back shut. He then leaves and shuts the door. Nicky lets out a muffled scream as she desperately tries to free herself.

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