Chapter 15: Leviathan

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     It is yet another dire day at the MI6 headquarters. With Nicky kidnapped and an uneasy alliance between Bourne and Bond, nothing seems to feel right. The atmosphere is gloomy and dull, the air is suddenly hard to breathe, and the agents are enervated from the extensive search and yearn for any clue regarding the location SPECTRE's base. Bourne has grown impatient day by day and understandably so, due to the fact that Parsons has been missing for almost a week. Bond decides it is best to give Bourne his space, following their verbal altercation from a few days ago. M sits quietly in his office with a heavy weight on his shoulders. Q attempts and fails to bring to life some of his new various technologies, as he lacks the motivation to work hard in the job he loves doing. With the threat of SPECTRE on the horizon and Blofeld still breathing the same invigorating air as them, MI6 feels more insecure and doubtful than ever before. Any small win will be enough to fill at least a small portion of the void left in the MI6. And then, out of the blue, every computer in the building beeps. It is a video call request from an unknown person. The message answers itself and Brummer appears on every computer screen.

"Listen to me very carefully. Blofeld has a deal cut out for you bastards. Bring us Jason Bourne and we will free Nicky Parsons. We are located at 136 Boulevard Haussmann in Paris. Bring Jason Bourne or the blonde will die." Brummer switches off. The agents of MI6 are left to think long and hard about the deal. Suddenly, Jason Bourne stands up.

"I'll do it," he says. Bond gets up in shock.

"But Bourne-" he says before being interrupted.

"If it means saving Nicky, I'll do it," Bourne says. M bursts out of his office.

"No, we proceed with Blackstone. We'll use Bourne as bait," M says. He looks at Bourne and says, "I'm sorry." Bourne doesn't seem bothered by the idea. Bond, however, does not approve.

"You must be joking!"

"I'm afraid not, 007. We are doing this," M says. Bond looks at Bourne, but Bourne does not lay an eye on Bond. Bond walks away and treks past Q in a hurry. Q turns around, confused at what might be bothering Bond. Meanwhile, back at the SPECTRE headquarters, Brummer shuts off the transmission he played to MI6 and turns to Blofeld, who is standing right behind him.

"What now?" Brummer asks him.

"Now, we wait," Blofeld responds.

"And what about the girl? Are we really going to hand her over to them?" Brummer questions him.

"Oh, goodness no. When we have acquired Jason Bourne, you will eliminate Nicolette Parsons in front of all of them. Then, I will kill James Bond myself," Blofeld explains.

"Didn't you say he was your brother?" Brummer asks him curiously.

"That is exactly why he must die," Blofeld says as he exits the room. He then heads into Nicky's room. He sees that she has not touched her food.

"You need to eat," he tells her as he walks towards her. Nicky turns her head away from him. "Nicky?"

"Let me go," she begs of him. He nods and removes the chains from her wrists.

"Perhaps this makes you feel better?" Blofeld asks her after removing the chains.

"I will feel better when I'm out of here, you sick bastard!" Nicky yells out. She attempts to attack him but he forcefully pushes her down onto the bed and pulls out a gun on her. After calming down, he puts the gun away.

"Poor Nicky. Believe me, you have no reason to fear me. You will soon return home, safe and sound. Your boyfriend and his new buddies will be here real soon," Blofeld tells her. Nicky refuses to listen to him. "You think of me as a leviathan. If only you could see the world the way we do, for how it truly is today. Only then will you understand why I will accomplish what must be done," Blofeld explains to her.

"Except I don't, and I never will," Nicky responds. Blofeld nods and chuckles in acceptance.

"As true as that may be, it could be because you don't know what our goal is for the world," Blofeld adds.

"A paradise filled with destruction?" Nicky responds sarcastically.

"To bring forth a new world, to restore proper order!" Blofeld explains to her.

"Like a Nazi?" Nicky responds.

"Ah yes, Nazism. The right idea, poor execution. They saw the plague but not how far it had spread, not what truly needed to be done," Blofeld says to her.

"You're insane!"

"Maybe. Excellent analogy, Miss. Parsons. But I must get going. Eat. You'll want to return to the world healthy and fed, Miss. Parsons," Blofeld tells her as he walks out. In the meantime, Bourne takes a walk around the block. He starts to remember the complicated side to his past relationship with Nicky from when he was with Treadstone.

"I have to do this. I have no choice!" Bourne yells at Nicky in the flashback.

"You can walk away from this! You can become David Webb again, just let me help you!" Nicky pleads to him as he walks out of the building. Bourne snaps back into present day. He receives a text message from Bond saying: Time to move. He begins to head back to the MI6 headquarters upon reading the message.

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now