Ruki Mukami🌹Adam and Lilith

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Ruki Mukami🌹Adam and Lilith

       Everyone was cautious around Fuzen and her deadly silver scythe, which could give them a quick, painful death. Fuzen knew that well. Her gold eyes darted around the room to each of the vampires, hoping her scythe would scare them into thinking twice before stupidly attacking her so she wouldn't have to hurt them. Unfortunately, the eldest Half-Blood decided to take the chance.

        "'Switch off your emotions. That's how you win the game.'" He scoffs. "Yeah right."

        He walks up to Fuzen with a smirk on his face. Fuzen swings her scythe around until the death blade stopped close around his neck.

        "I'm warning you! I-I won't hold back!" She stuttered at the last moment. Ruki kept the smirk on his face and pushed the blade away from his neck with the back of his hand, making his skin scorch and leave a burn mark. He held back the wince and took in a sharp breath.

        "Sure. All bark, no bite." Ruki walked towards her and seized the hand wielding the scythe, making Fuzen drop it from her palm and dematerialize when it made contact with the floor. "You're coming with me." He drags her out of the circle, past the Mukami and Sakamaki.

        "Oi! Where the hell are you taking Yuki?!" Shin and Carla began  to advance towards Ruki and Fuzen, only to be blocked by the Sakamaki and Mukami.

        "Sorry, this is something personal between Ruki-kun and Fu-chan."

        "I don't personally like the nerd, but I leave Kyonyū in his hands."

        "He'd know exactly how to put Ushi back in place."

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        "I told you to let go!!" Fuzen shouted as she struggled in Ruki's grasp. Ruki didn't bother to listen as he kept on walking out to the field and into the dense forest. Although Fuzen had the power to escape, teleportation was the last thing on her mind. Finally, he stopped and suddenly pins against a tree. The bark dug into her back, creating a small tear in her silvery cape.

        "Why did you attack?" He asked in a low growl.

        "I don't have to answer to you." Fuzen spat back, still trying to escape his hold (again, teleportation is the last thing on her mind). Ruki was at first amused, before his expression hardened again, his grey-blue eyes glowered at her—almost like a trick of the moonlight and shadows—turning red.

        "Do you hate me that much?" He forcefully took her chin and jerked it up to stare into her eyes in a not-so-loving way. Fuzen tried her best to not look petrified (which fortunately succeeded) but something in his voice and glare made her want to freeze up and speak truthfully.

       "I hate," She began to form the words. "your guts so much. You can go die for all I care." She said with no hint of remorse in her voice.

        However, they say that the eyes are the windows to your soul.

        "You're lying." Ruki completely saw through her. The next thing he did totally shocked Fuzen. He brutally pulled one side of her top down to expose her pale peach collarbone. "You'll be punished severely." He growled in his low, sadistic voice before sinking his fangs deep into the crook of her neck. The pain was like a knife lodging itself underneath her skin and bone and stubbornly stayed there.

        "O-Oi! Stop it!" Fuzen cried out. It has been a while since she has been the one to be bitten. The pain was too acute for her to concentrate on teleporting out of the situation. She grabbed on tightly to the front of his black shirt as Ruki placed a hand on the opposite side of her neck as support. She failed to push him away as the energy was slowly drained out of her body.

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