♉ Ruki Mukami - My Tutor ♉

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♉ Ruki Mukami - My Tutor ♉

The people in school were asking me about my hand all day. 

"Oh my god, what happened to your hand?" "What did you do to it?" "Did you jammed it on accident?"

All these questions made my head spin. So, to answer all their questions at once, I simply replied, "I got into a fight and now the guy's regretting it in the hospital." I glared at them. "Who's next?"

They all back away in fear and went back to whatever they were doing. I sighed and scratched the back of my neck with my good hand. I thought they'd never leave.

"Good thing they bought it." I muttered.

"I didn't." The voice behind me made I yelped out in surprise, then in pain.

"Ruki!! How many times do I have to tell you? (shhiii...that hurts...) Don't sneak up on me like that!! (holy f..... that son of a b.....)" I yelled at him and muttered curses under my breath at the same time. He laughed as I winced in pain. "Heartless..." I added.

"Aah, sorry. But, that story you made up was quite amusing." He propped his arm on my head while I was still trying to not kill myself with the pain. "What did you really do?"

"H-Hey!! Is that how you treat an injured girl?" I swatted his arm off my head with my good hand. "A-And, I accidently had my hand smashed into the concrete ground by..." I stopped short, remembering what happened last chapter. (Breaking the fourth wall was not intended.) Ruki noticed me stopping short and takes his arm off my head.

"By...?" It sounded like he was worried instead of curious.

"It doesn't matter. Let's leave at 'I fought a guy and broke my hand in the process.' Please." Surprisingly, he did what I asked and stopped asking.

"Mukami Ruki and Takashi Fuzen, please go to the Advanced Math classroom now." Wait, Advanced Math? Why do I have to go to Calculus Hell? Did he do something? 

Ruki grabbed my wrist (not the broken one) and lead me to the classroom with a calm expression on his face. What? How does this not faze him?

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

"This is useless!!" I slammed my hand on the table. But, I slammed the wrong one.

"Hey, wrong hand, baka." Ruki pointed out the obvious.

"Ya think?" I squeaked out in pain. I tried to hold back the tears that were forcing their way out of my tear ducts. "I-It doesn't hurt at all." Each word were more high pitched than the last. Finally, the pain stopped spreading in a matter of moments and my voice went back to normal.

"Why am I here? I don't deserve this." I whined and facedesk myself. (When a facepalm isn't enough) I started to mutter curse words.

"You wouldn't be here if you attended class." Oh, yeah. Since I have been not "attending" classes, I'm at a 2.0 GPA, a D in Math. So the teacher decided that I need to be in a support class, but since I won't show up, they assigned me to a tutor. And that tutor is...

"Okay, let's see if you're smart enough for the next page." Yup, the Do-S vampire named Ruki. I groaned and lifted my head to look at the questions. "I can do them in a breeze. Why am I have to be stuck in this room with you doing math?"

"Just do the problems. It's not like I want to be here either." I puffed out of my cheek and took out my glasses. Yes, I have glasses. They're not fake or just for decoration. Apparently, staying in dark cellar for 12 years really damages your eyes. I glanced at the problems and quickly wrote down the answers on it.

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