♌ Yuuma Mukami - Bored out of my Mind ♌

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♌ Yuuma Mukami - Bored out of my Mind ♌

I'm bored. I'm in the mood for flipping people off today. Yup, that seems about right.

I walked up to the roof while flipping off random people and shouting "F**k you!" along the way. I finally got there and it was empty outside.

And since it was—I think 3rd period—people were already in class, so no students walking around. "Agh, I'm getting bored again!!" I complained.

"Shut up will you!?" The rebellious one walked out of the shadows—as usual—munching on sugar cubes. Seriously, how does he have all those sugar cubes on him and not attract ants?

"Oh, it's just the munch." I went back to- well, whatever I was doing in the first place.

"Oi, who are you calling a munch?" I can see a tick mark form on his head like the ones in the anime.

 "Who else? You, munch." I teased him again. "Or should I call you Rebel?"

"Rebel seems much better than munch."

"Okay Rebel-munch." He knew he couldn't win. He clicked his tongue before asking me what I was doing here.

"I is bored. No one to flip off. See Rebel instead. I is still bored."

"Sorry for disappointing you, Ushi." He smirks as I puffed out my cheeks. My god, when is he going to stop calling me a cow? I started to walk over to the railing and lifted myself onto it and started to stand up, with my arms out to keep balance.

"I is just bored." I walked back and forth while pretending to almost fall off once in awhile. Yuuma was casually watching me and calling out when I "slipped", but I thought I saw something in Rebel's eyes.

To scare him, I started to jump with every step I took and did a backflip. I intentionally let my foot slip, so I would fall away from Yuuma. This time, he displayed shock and–fear? I acted scared as I fell down, but before I gotten farther from the railing, I felt a large hand seize my wrist and pulled me back up.

"You idiot!! What the hell were you thinking!? You could've been dead if I wasn't here!!" He scolded me, but I was barely listening.

Rebel's cold, brown eyes bore into mine, conveying a mixture of worry and relief. His hands tightly enclosed my arms as if he let go, I'd disappear. But, I didn't point those out in front of him, so I went back to Fuzen mode.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not like I'm gonna die or something."

"Are you crazy?! A human would die if they fell off from this height. You would've died at that height!!"

"So what? I didn't get scratched or bruised or anything. What's the big deal?" I regret everything I just said. Yuuma started to smirk at me and gave me a perverted grin.

"Oh really? Maybe I should check your body just in case." I don't know how he did it, but he popped open my shirt and there showed my chest and black-and-white skull bra. (Yui made me button up my shirt this time, still don't get why I need to do that.)

"O-Oi!! What the hell do you think you're doing?" My face got flushed as I tried to button the shirt back up. Damn these difficult buttons and the Munch!!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The next thing I knew, I was pinned against the wall with my shirt still unbuttoned and flapping freely.

"You're right. Nothing cut or bruised. But your blood smells so sweet, it's very tempting." He brushed his fangs against my chest. His grip wasn't as hard as the previous, so I had some room to push him away.

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