♏️ Azusa Mukami - Surprise Attack ♏️

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♏️ Azusa Mukami - Surprise Attack ♏️

Finally, I'm free!! I finally got out of Music. Honestly, I'm getting sick of going there. The teacher is always treating me like I'm a prodigy, and giving too many pieces to work on. I better get going before anyone finds me.

"Fu-chan!!" Great. I get stopped by Yui. "Fu-chan, where are you going?" I turn around to face her.

"Umm, detention?" I lied.

"Really, again Fu-chan? When are you going to stop going there? Sooner or later, the headmaster will suspend you." Good thing she bought it.

"Err, yeah. So, gotta go." I waved her goodbye and ran off around the corner. I was running down the stairs and was almost at the bottom when I heard a fight going on the floor I just came down from. (Surprisingly, I have really good hearing.)

"Oi!! Get up you freak!! It's not fun when you're just lying there laughing!!" I heard a slow laugh after another punch. 

"It feels...nice." No way. I went back up to see 2 guys beating up a certain faint-hearted Do-M Mukami on the floor and bleeding. I was tempted to go up to them and beat them up for hurting him, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything. I took a deep breath before walking out to them.

"Boys, get the hell away from him." I said in a sweet, but intimidating voice. One of them looked at my direction and I saw the fear in his eyes. Looks like I have power over the boys too. He left his friend behind who was still beating up the poor–well, not really–vampire on the floor. "Do I have to repeat myself?" I was a the verge of unleashing hell. The guy finally stopped and slowly turned to my way.

"Look girl, he's my prey so fu—." His eyes met my gold glare and he petrified.

"What were you saying?" I said with a smile, then dropped it. I grabbed his shirt so his face was at my level. "Did you hear me? I said, get the hell away from him. Got it?" I sent him a death glare and he nodded his head violently. Good. I let him go and sat next to the beaten-up vamp.

"Azu-chan? Why do you keep on getting yourself into messes like these?" I placed a hand on his head and reached over the other side to grab his maroon beret.

"I like...the pain. It feels...nice." He slowly got up and I could see blood run down from his forehead and a cut on the bottom lip. I walked with him back down and made him sit down so I could tend to the wounds.

"Honestly, Azu-chan. There are some people who don't want you to be hurt. Your brothers, Yui, me." I wrapped the bandage around his head and gently dabbed the cut with a damp cloth. "There, done." I sat next to him and we stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Did Ruki give you the knives I sent you?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I never...seen those kinds...before. They're very...sharp." I looked at him with a "You didn't test them out of yourself, did you?" look. It looks like he understood my look since he shook this head. "Don't worry. I didn't use it...on myself." That reassured me. I better get going or else I'll miss them.

"Hey Azu-chan, come with me. I wanna show you something."

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

"Where are we...going?" Azusa asked me. We were in the forest behind the school with me holding his hand so he would walk faster.

"We're almost there. Just wait a little longer, okay?" I glanced back at him with a smile and walked on. We finally stopped at a clearing with the moon shining brightly through the trees.

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