I'll Stop stabbing, When you stop Screaming. [C3S3]

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I had more written, alot more, like two pages more, and my computer shut itself down, and didn't save what i wrote. This is all i could recover. I would write more, but I'm in such a bad mood right now, i want to cry. Sorry this is so short, blame the computer. :[

I will write and upload more tomorrow, just like everyday, today is just a set back.

I Love you all, and thanks for reading, sorry for my excuses.

I walked slowly down the long hall, my body slumped, again heading for the stairwell on the left. It was very hard for me to breath, and no matter how many breaths I took, I still felt short of air. I thought about what this could mean and I realized that I probably had punctured my lung. I took slow, jagged, deep breaths. I looked around every couple of seconds, waiting for another one of those horrible men to come after me. I guess they had taken my threat seriously.

I had now killed three men. I was a murderer. The thought of this made me feel like worthless scum. I was just as bad as they were. Tears filled my eyes. I never wanted to kill anyone, I never would have. I am a good person. I had to keep reminding myself of this, telling myself that what I did was necessary. They were bad people, but who am I to take someone life? I should just let them kill me. I'm a murderer, I'm just as low as they are. I bit my lip as I pushed the door to the stairwell open, trying to hold back the tears.

The door opened slowly, the sound booming through my ears as it echoed through the empty hall. I walked through and started down the stairs slowly, my breathing rough. I had to take a break every couple of stairs, and I felt like I was going to pass out as I got to the first landing. By then I couldn't hold my tears back any longer and they began to fall from my eyes, leaving streams on my cheeks. I wiped my eyes on my hand, and told myself I had to stay strong, I have to go on.

I pushed myself down the next set of steps, taking my time. It was getting harder to breath, and my mind was spinning from the lack of oxygen. When I made it down to the next floor I collapsed in front of the door, taking slow deep breaths, but still feeling weak. I clutched my chest, and screamed out in anger. The sound echoed ominously, like I was only person in this whole building, though I knew that it was full of horrible men, just waiting for a chance to kill me.

I'll stop Stabbing When you stop Screaming. [ON HOLD.]Where stories live. Discover now